
Do you want Obama or McCain to win the presidency?

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I just wanna know everyone's opinion. Explain why, too.




  1. McCain...

    I do not trust Obama despite his eloquence...

  2. Obama....WHY???

    If u are too young u might not feel it or know it but the last 8 years have been the worse since the 70' contrast from 93 to 2000 we had a much MUCH better economy and we didnt have any war...THATS WHY.....WE WERE BETTER PERIOD

  3. Obama. Cuz he black and he care about African people and da struggle. White people dont care about black people. We need a prez who will help African people cuz da struggle get harder everyday in the US and KKK.

  4. neither....cause mccain is nearing his death and obama looks like a monkey.

  5. McCain, I'm scared of Obama....He is a smooth talker, but he can't back it up.

    Real FACTS about Obama:

  6. Obama. He is a self-made man and has worked to support and help people his entire life. He's chosen helping people over making money. He's a wonderful person. He was raised with good values and has ethics. When he talks, he has sincerity in his eyes. Not to mention youth to boot. I can't believe McCain chose Palin as a V.P. She has no experience what so-ever and is now being investigated in the firing of a very exceptional Dept. of Public Safety director because he wouldn't fire a State Trooper. (The State Trooper is Palin's ex brother-in-law, which her family hates). I'm sure she thinks she needs to head out of town before  you-know-what hits the fan. :)

  7. McCain. He will deliver. Obama may agree with you but he can't deliver.

  8. I will vote for Obama..I feel with Him and Biden running this country we stand a better chance of making much needed improvements to our country both foreign and domestic. Even McCain knows that we dont need a nother "Bush" type in the oval office..heck all the republicans know this..that is why Bush has been told to stay away..The sad thing about what Bush has done for this country is that his brother JEB would never stand a chance getting elected to office..and that is a shame he would be one republican i would choose..

  9. it depends on both of there vps-

    mainly because mccain will die not even a year into it if he wins and obama is gunna get assassinated the day after

  10. Obama because he is younger then McCain

  11. neither they are both full of ****.  They both voted YES on George Bush's reenactment of the patriot act in 2005 which says the government can go into your house without a search warrant and is against the 4th amendment.  LOOK AT THE LINK psss. remember all the people who supported obama were moaning about the patriot act and how Bush was taking away their rights well obama helped bush out so they can't complain if they vote for him

  12. Neither, we need to abolish this horrendous systematic order. The whole presidency thing is nothing but BS! Why even bother with individuals who waste taxpayer's(that's us) money to run ads that bash one another. It's pointless, look what Bush has already done... it's all SNAFU!

  13. I vote to join the Freeman.   To h**l with paying anymore income taxes to a government that is hostile to me and mine.  No more money to the lazy and the stupid....I'd rather die than pay taxes anymore.

  14. I am so tired of people saying that they're voting for Obama because he's black...think about the issues instead...I'm voting for change so I'm voting for Obama not because he's black but because we need a change in this country.

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