
Do you want a Commander-in-Chief who believes in the end times?

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Palin's pastor, Ed Kalnins, is a fundamentalist conservative wacko. He believes that Alaska will be a refuge in the end times. I'm not joking. Look it up.

Do you want to take a chance that she, having similar beliefs, could be in charge of our military?




  1. A candidate with five kids, a grandchild on the way & plenty of relatives thinks & works for a better future, not the end of times.

  2. We already had one for the past 8 years. Fundies will vote FOR her because of that. .

  3. I'd like to have a Commander-in-Chief who will bring the end times... of Republican lies, incompetence and unconstitutionality.

    Obama-Biden 2008: Because America is better than the Republicans.

  4. Palin was chosen to bring in the lunatic fringe.  The glazed eye fundamentalist rapturists love this pick.  How long have they been saying the end is nigh?  As long as I've been alive and probably a thousand years before.  Nuts.

  5. Yes. Have you listened to the vile garbage that Obama heard at his "church" for over 20 years?

  6. Yes I sure do!

  7. What someone believes as their religion is irrelevant to their capabilities as commander in chief.... I'm sure he is not such an extremest as you are playing him out to be... I don't even like the guy.... but as a politician, he deserves for the idiots of the American population to keep their mouth shut.... especially those who don't have lives outside of degrading the career of a presidential candidate-

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