
Do you want a woman or black man in the house?

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it seems that our heritage does not exist anymore. what happen to the over 35 married white male with a family and his life in politics? someone who got respect when we seen them, how can other countries respect us with someone we know so little about in control of us? has not one person helped my colored collar ahead. McCain owns 7 houses, i cant even pay monthly rent on a rented apt. due to the taxes and low job percentage. im so upset with the future of the USA




  1. Other countries don't respect you, so I won't matter who is your president.

    I do hope you manage to elect one this time rather than have one appointed by his brother. It would be nice to have a president who wasn't owned by big business as well - I guess that will never happen.

  2. I want whomever will put the public interest ahead of the political agenda, will end this senseless war, and who will stimulate the economy so that people can find jobs.

    I do not really care if that person is Black, White, Male, Female ot any other combination.

  3. When Hurricane Gustav was delaying the GOP Convention, CNN showed the Lobbyists caring less and getting their checkbooks ready. Many people are upset.

  4. What the h**l does it matter? Why the h**l does he need to be white or a male for that matter? Who gives a ****? Give me a ******* break you racist/sexist piece of ****.

    I sure as h**l don't want an Alaskan VP, but you don't see me complaining.

    America is not just whites, it's blacks, hispanics, asians, and the whole 9 yards. Get over youself. If you don't like that, get the h**l out.  

  5. Are there any countries with black leaders you would like to live in, now are ever

  6. i want whoever will keep their promises and make the country better.

  7. I want the best person for the job and that, IMO, is Obama.

  8. whether you like it or not, you are going to get one or the other, unless you want to vote for lou dobbs.

  9. It is not about the color or gender. you are racist and small minded.

    try to open your mind and stop judging people by their color, race and gender.

    I'm sure you are not a perfect white man!

    Why don't you go judge those white abusing priests or those white trash men licing in trailers who abuse their kids and wives.

    see? you have to open your mind and stop looking at people from a small angle.

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