
Do you want any sub-sections to be made in the cricket category?

by  |  earlier

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if yes,then name them...

lol,i think we need to have a section dedicated to Rahul Dravid,seeing the number of questions related to him....also, i bet the non Dravid fans are bored of these




  1. well yes that may be an idea but i think for dravid specifically is to small a category, perhaps if it was made into sub sections based on country, such as indian cricket and australian cricket, english cricket etc, and perhaps then we would finally get rid of the racism in this section

    or perhaps there should be a category specifically for racism, that way we would know that the people using that section arent worth listening to and possibly get them banned!

    EDIT: honestly no i dont think it would stop it, however it would make it easier for us to spot who is making racist remarks because they would stand out in the section and hopefully that would in turn make it easier to ban them, maybe then that would help solve the problem

  2. k

  3. No, as it would not solve the problem of racism here. Do you think, Slash0069, that the racists here would be content only with yelling at each other?No, they need an audience. If you keep an Indian section seperate, the Aussie hooligans would surely enter it and do their stuff. Similiarly for an Aussie section, which would be invaded by the Indian goons. About the  racism section, it would be crazy for the racists to post there, when they could easily get lots of attention elsewhere.

    Lets face it, racism can only be countered by not responding to it.

    Najma, I love the way you love Rahul. I am not his greatest fan, but good for you. He is surely dependable (forget the Australian tour) and still "the Wall" for me. But a sub section dedicated to him- Hmmmm....

  4. Instead of creating new section, Yahoo Answers need to moderate this section better, effectively and strictly!

  5. No, not really, cause you can still ask your questions where they are and true fans will answer you, that should keep the rest of the nasty people out anyway, unless they have nothing better to do and unfortunately thats often the case, just ignore the nasties, its the only way to make them go away, they get bored easily if you dont respond to them so, I would keep it as it is, hope that helps, goodluck! :)

  6. nO WAY BABY.

  7. no, i think cricket is a cricket so no need to do such things.

  8. What they do need to do is ban thumbs down, & tell people just who has reported them. That will stop all those idiots who get good Qs deleted for nothing. Also stop those idiot Americans who just come here for the two points & give stupid answers to Qs.

  9. No. There is no need for a sub-section with in the Cricket

    category. Instead I prefer to have a moderator or YA moderate

    this section. Currently we have no moderation nor we have any

    interesting questions being posted. What we see is the same

    old questions and repeated quite often. The purpose of YA is

    to share knowledge by asking intelligent Questions. Let us all

    focus on this.

  10. I personally feel, a sub section must be created for all the RAHUL fans here, coz, I believe there are a lot of people here, who are crazy about this gr88 man...............................

  11. what racist?

    this is all about one idiot, !!OZ!!, who says things and sends his little emails to people about their families, if he never done this, this would never of happened.

    i will tell you one thing, if India was separate to Australia's cricket section, no body from Australia would go there, we are trying to rid this filthy creature from here for all users.

    i guess no one happened to read what response he gave  to a lady who had lost her grandson yesterday, that he has gone to h**l, what a disgusting thing to say to someone.

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