
Do you want marriage or just marriage rights?

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Do you want marriage or just marriage rights?




  1. i think i would appreciate marriage rightss,,

    as well as marriagee,,

    basically i would just want to show my commitment with marriagee,,

    so id be more than happy to take the rights that come along with it.

  2. It is a coincidence that you asked this question since I just talked about this to my partner today. We want both however, more so for the rights. We are in a committed relationship and feel as though we are "married" but we live in a state that domestic partnership and g*y marriage are not legal.  So, do we go up to Mass. or out to California to have a ceremony but then go back home where it isn't legal?  We can't afford to do that at the moment, so, until our state changes its laws, we are staying in a committed relationship and not getting married. What a bite!  

  3. Full blown marriage rights need to be given to homosexual couples 'cause they are in love as well & they need to be treated the same as other couples that are in love.

  4. I am comepletely fine with g*y marriage, but the only g*y people I seriously have a problem with is flamboyant g**s.

  5. I grew up in the South under the doctrine of 'Separate but Equal' during racial segregation, and I know just how equal 'separate' is - NOT.  No civil union law passed so far provides the exact same benefits as marriage.  So, for true equality, it should be marriage.  If it were absolutely guaranteed that civil unions were the exact legal equivalent to marriage in every way, I could live with that, but it has not proven to be the case thus far.  

  6. I want marriage rights now, so that when I'm older, I can have marriage.

  7. I'm bi, so if I find a girl that I want to be with for the rest of my life, I want to be able to go to city hall, kiss her, and walk out with a marriage certificate, just like I would with a man.

  8. you get rights?

    what rights??

    god they dont teach me anything in school!!!!!!!!!!!!

    i mean i might need to know this and yet they teach us algebra??

    but i want to get married for marriage.

  9. Marriage rights for everyone (heteros too), I firmly believe that marriage itself is severely outdated.  

  10. They go hand-in-hand.

    That's like asking do you want freedom or just rights?

    You have to have marriage rights to have marriage.

  11. The right of marriage is what I'm after, for all of us in the g*y community. Some bigots have suggested that g*y people will all rush to get married once the "floodgates are open" (g*y marriage legalized), but some g*y people, much like some straight people, cannot envision themselves tied to someone for eternity (or until divorce), hence the term "the old ball and chain".

    But that right should be made available to those that seek to have that permanent state in their lives - I see no reason why that right should be denied, if arguments are to be based on human rights, equality and social justice.

    I cannot accept religious teachings as the basis for making laws that are meant to ensure that we will be treated equally as human beings - how can I, when each religion treats the other ones like they are unworthy sinners who haven't seen THEIR light? That alone guarantees that if religion were to be left free to run our legal/judicial sustems, all h**l will break loose. (Pun intended.)

  12. You know what at this point I would be happy with the rights and we could work on the legal wording later:P


  13. It really doesn't matter to me. All I want to do is be able to express how I feel and not be criticized for it. That's not enough for some people, but it's enough for me.

  14. I would like to be able to get married some day. Marriage is a right and I want marriage for every person.

  15. I want both. I want the world to see that just because I am g*y does not mean that I am inferior to the rest of society.

  16. I want religious people to stop making laws that dictate what I can't and can't do solely because their God says being g*y is a sin. In fact they have no business telling other people what to do in general when they can't prove their religion is even based on fact.

    As for marriage I probably will never get married but I want other g*y people to get married. We deserve the right to lose half our stuff and be miserable like every other straight person.

  17. I would really like both. If not both, I would pick marriage rights.

  18. I want fully recognized marriage by the federal government. I don't give a c**p what churches know why? I want to see g*y and L*****n couples that beautiful partnerships stay together.

  19. I want the rights! What if something happened, and she was in the hospital and they decided to be jackasses-they could say im not allowed to stay with her simply because we dont have the same rights as straight people do! More and more places are makin domestic partnership an option for insurance, but not all of them! I want to be able to know that no matter where I work, she is covered. Why does someone else get these rights and I dont simply because we happen to be the same gender. I want to be treated like everyone else and have the same rights! No one is better than me because Im a girl who happens to love another girl.  

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