
Do you want schools to teach your 4 year olds kids s*x ed?

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does a 4 year old need to know that its called a p***s or v****a instead of a willy or front bottom?

do toddlers even care?

wouldn't they rather have fun drawing than being told about s*x?




  1. I think it would be completely inappropriate at that age.

  2. This is state sponsered grooming. We have some very odd people running this country.

  3. I would prefer "tallywacker" and "vajayjayy."  I had to add an extra y because Yahoo is censoring that word.  I guess little kids shouldn't use it since adults can't on this website.  

    I think s*x-ed should be taught at home by parents.

  4. We need our children to be just that........... children for as long as we can. At that age they do not need to know about s*x as we know it. They should be enjoying their childhood playing with sand and reading, writing, drawing and enjoying interacting with other children their age, so yes I would find it awful if I thought my 4 year old was being taught s*x education in their nursery school. I would also voice my opinion STRONGLY.

  5. I personally think that we need to be changing quite a lot of things.

    I agree that s*x ed need to be taught earlier, 10 seems about right though, if parents want to teach it earlier then it should be their decision.

    Images in magazines, on tv and billboards don't help kids though.  Children dress too old these day's, you can even buy high heels for babies now, we need to take another look at these type of things and maybe we'd see why 12 year olds are becoming pregnant.


  6. The mechanics of s*x should be taught as part of a biology class.

    I don't know that 4 year olds have sufficient sophistication to understand the material.

  7. The younger we teach our children about the natural working of our bodies, including s*x, the less repressed they'll be about it.  That means that they will be more likely to ask questions about things that, in the past, have been considered too embarassing, and have traditionally gotten from answers from other kids who know less than them and probably the wrong information.  Also, knowing the words p***s and v****a just means that they know the names of their body parts, so they are learning about their s*x, male and female, not about the act of having s*x.

  8. Jobs for paedos by the sound of it.

  9. NO and I would never send my child to a school that did.

  10. It's too young for sure. 4 yr olds should be carefree playing and enjoying their new lives. s*x Ed is much too serious for them

  11. I have seen the material and I think it should be left to the parents.  I have brought up my children in a free and open fashion about s*x - they have been able to ask me any question.  I don't think the schools have any right to teach s*x ed, other than as part of a biology lesson.

    I am the one to teach my children morals and self respect, responsibilites and family values.  The schools have failed miserably in this field - how come when I was at school I only knew of two girls who had babies (in the 70's) but now it is so commonplace?  Despite the intensive s*x ed?

    The children nowadays are under too much pressure to have s*x - the only thing they don't know is how to say "no".  And it is the parents who should be teaching their children the confidence to do that - only they've been part of the system too, and s*x is now just a "right", rather than a "responsibility".

    And now they want to start even younger, because they believe that even more education will help.  No, it won't.  We live in a rotten society and our children are living out what we have taught them - s*x on demand.

  12. No way. Let them be kids a while, please.

  13. i think you/we/they should pit this in perspective, papers like the Sun and DM have a field day whenever children and sexuality are mentioned in the same sentance

    i think you need to look at what they are teaching, I very much doubt that they will be talking about actual sexual activity at that age, they will be broaching the subject in a sensitive and adult fashion.

    Some people do have a very repressed attitude towards s*x, it is something of a taboo subject and then bang - you indulge in it too excess or irresponsibly, whereas if we had a more open european attitude - perhaps we would not have the problem - similar thing to alcohol

    my parents never mentioned the subject of s*x, and i think you would be surprised at teh high proportion of parents who dont, and it is down to schools to try to provide some of what is lacking at home

  14. Four year-old children don't need to know about s*x, unless they ask - then it is their parents responsibility to teach them.

  15. I don't really have a problem with kids being taught the proper names for body parts.  It's only words after all.

    It's all very well saying that parents should teach their children about s*x, but when you have 12 and 13 year olds getting pregnant, that clearly isn't happening so maybe schools do need to step in and I really don't think, from what I've read, that anyone is suggesting that they be taught the mechanics of s*x at 4.  The suggestion is that if that know the basics early on, they are better equipped to understand the rest later.

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