
Do you want some more jokes?(follow me).....?

by  |  earlier

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Used Car

It was a small town and the patrolman was making his evening rounds.

As he was checking a used car lot, he came upon two little old ladies sitting in a used car.!

He stopped and asked them why they were sitting there in the car. Were they trying to steal it?

'Heavens no, we bought it.'

'Then why don't you drive it away.' 'We can't drive.'

'Then why did you buy it?'

'We were told that if we bought a Used car here we'd get screwed. So we're just waiting


An octopus walks into a bar and brags, 'I can play any musical instrument put in front of me,and very well too!'

So the English man passes him a guitar,which he plays better than Hendrix! Wow,says the English man,you are good'

Next the Irish man shows him to the piano,which he can play much better than Elton John!

'Here ye go then,'said the Scottish man,as he tosses the Octopus a set of bagpipes.After a few minutes of the octopus fumbling about with the pipes,the Scottish man asks 'Ah,whats up? Can ye no play it?'

'Play it ?' Asks the octopus, I'm gonna s**g her brains out when I get her pyjamas off!!!!




  1. lmao ha ah ahha

    haven't heard them before

    loved them both

    x x x

  2. ha ha ha ha ha ha ha  

  3. That d**n Squiddly Diddly Octopus Is One Horny Beast..!!  

    I Love Both Of Them!

    Well Done....   Star 4 U  


  4. First one's funnier :)

  5. I didn't get the second joke, but the first one was funny!

  6. The second one is the better of the two - very funny.

  7. i like the octapus joke muuuuuuch more!!! lol keep those jokes  coming and have a star!!

  8. Hey!

    The First Joke is Tops, to be more explicit,  Topless! The 'pun' is on 's******g'  as the fun of life is also in s******g!

    The old car as well as its inmates inside need some urgent  sevicing before use.Ain't there any friends in sight? Any volunteers?

    The second Joke: The fun lies in the Octopus mistaking the bagpipe for a ...!

    Ha, ha, ha!  I always enjoy 'S*****g .

    I always love the implied jokes to the expicit ones!

    Thanks a lot for making my day, Baby Hannahbo.

    Your adult jokes are as good as, if not better than, your Teens' Jokes!

    Keep them coming, Will you?


  9. 1st one was very funny  

  10. hahahahaha!!!!!!!!!

  11. first one was the best  

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