
Do you want someone representing your country who compares herself as a Viscious Dog or Biden, a Gentleman?

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Do you want someone representing your country who compares herself as a Viscious Dog or Biden, a Gentleman?




  1. A gentleman wouldn't have said, "you cannot go to a 7-Eleven or a Dunkin' Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent," as Biden did.

    Palin didn't say viscious dog she said "pit bull."  I want a pit bull mentality fighting the waste and corruption in  Washington.

  2. I want someone who's not so full of themselves and loves to hear themselves talk.  I will go with Palin.  Biden is a boob.

  3. Haha Funny. You should check this out.

  4. I'll take the dog anytime when compared to a card carrying member of the "good ole boys club". I am sixty five years old and am sick and tired of the nonsense that has passed for a government for the past twenty five years. It shouldn't matter who is in the leadership position or what party is in power. The thing I am looking for is someone who has the guts to fight the powers that be....not someone who simply wants to be one of the powers that be. Frankly, even though the republican v.p. chosen doesnt have a lot of "national experience", I still think she will bring a muchly needed breath of fresh air to a stinky washington.

  5. Absolutely not!  I maintain that no person/s have a right to claim, take by force, or purchase... any part of this planet, nor establish countries, regions, kingdoms, islands, or borders... nor governments, dictatorships, societies based on currency exchange, or ruling classes of any kind.

    We are Human Beings, not sheep, not citizens, not numbers, not creeds, nor puppets... and we all have the Human right to live in true freedom.

  6. Oh, Sparky. You really don't understand anything, do you?

  7. Neither...and that's why they are VPs.

  8. Governor Palin is a pit bull and I am proud that the American middle class produced such a wonderful person. I will vote, send money and work for her.

  9. id rather have a vicious dog in the whitehouse willing to fight for me than a coward

  10. Biden a gentleman?

    The guy is nothing more that a party hack.

    BTW - are you disappointed that Obama has demonstrated that his 'change' rhetoric has been just empty words by his selection of a 'business as usual' VP?

  11. Y yes yes I do. I think every "real" American does.

  12. Pit bill = tenacious

    Joe Biden = Washington insider

  13. Um, Biden is the pitbull.  I can't believe so many of you missed that one.  Don't you even watch the media coverage on your own candidates?

  14. Would you put a vicious dog or a gentleman to guard and defend your house?  Would you rather scare off your enemies or welcome them?  

  15. Palin: Iraq war 'a task that is from God'



  16. Biden - the gentleman that will turn the pit bull into a kitten!!

  17. Give me the pit bull anyday!

    What type of lipstick does she wear?  I want to send her a case of it!

    Edit  From last night's speech;

    You know, they say the difference between a hockey mom and a pit bull? Lipstick.

  18. Biden a gentlemen?  Guess you have not been following politics for very long, have ya?  He is rude, and demeaning....  He is the king of filibustering and has no manners to speak of when in a debate.  He is not experienced with anything else to speak of.  Good luck with that one!!!  Oh, don't forget when he ran for President ions ago he plagiarized his speech and was caught.  

  19. I would rather have a vicious dog facing Ahmadinejad than a gentleman?

  20. I prefer a gentlemen

  21. Is this the best argument you can come up for Biden over Palin? Pathetic. I would challenge you to ask random people on the street to name one piece of information they know about Palin vs Biden. I guarantee you that you'd get at LEAST a 5 to 1 ratio of people knowing something about Palin over Biden. In'll probably get some "Joe Biden who?"

  22. Now Joe Biden is a gentleman? Yeah, ok, sure. He's a real gentleman...I bet he takes the dishes out of the sink before he pees in it.  Give us a break, would you please?

    She didn't say that she was vicious. Bulldogs are TENACIOUS.

  23. LOL Biden has never been mistaken for a gentleman.  and i will be absolutely delighted to have Sarah represent our great nation.

  24. i'll tell you what, in a tough situation i'd rather have a vicious dog on my side than a gentleman any day.

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