
Do you want to be an organ donor when you die? Are there cetain organs you dont want to be donated?

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Do you want to be an organ donor when you die? Are there cetain organs you dont want to be donated?




  1. Nah they can have everything I won't be using them. Picky Australians wouldn't even take my blood or my organs though cos they reckon there's too much chance that someone born when I was and from Britain will have mad cow disease. Ridiculous I say just because a man's partial to a nice green clump of grass every now and then they call me a mad cow. It makes me so mood

  2. Yes, I definitely want to be an organ donor. First of all, if you're dead, what do you need your organs for? If you don't need them, then you should be generous enough to give them to someone who does. At any given time, there's thousands of people across the country in desperate need of an transplant, whether a liver, lung, heart, kidney, or any other transplant. If you have already passed on, maybe you could save another person's life in the process - or more than one person. I think that donating your organs is an huge act of good will and one of the best things you can do in your life - well, after your life. Bad pun, I know, I know, lol. So yes, I do want to be an organ donor, and I am willing to donate anything that I have, since I would have no use for them anymore.

  3.                                                                                                                      Yes I will be.If somthing from my departed body can be used to give someone else a better life they can have it all. We are not our bodies.We are an eternal spirit that lives in them.

  4. Yes.  Take it all,  I'm not going to need it.  

  5. I won't allow them to take my wang. Not everyone has the blood circulation to support a shwantz this huge and you can severely injure a woman with it.


  7. meh, go ahead and take what you need. what would I care? Hmmm... would they take organs from a pot head though?

  8. I'll donate whatever is needed for when I die, I wouldn't want anyone else to die. So they can have anything outta my body that they need :p.

  9. i don't care im not gunna use them anymore so some other guy can use them  

  10. I'm not donating anything, because I hate everyone.

  11. i'm willing to donate everything, except my eyes.

  12. i am 16 and have had a organ donor card since i was 13, i have stated i don't not want my eyes to be given but anything else they can have its just a nice thought you can save someones life and your parents will know your body lives on helping some one elses...

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