
Do you want to be he mermaid? and do you believe they are exit?

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Do you want to be he mermaid? and do you believe they are exit?




  1. There is proof galore that mermaid exist so that answers that... As for someone wanting to become a mermaid.... Then I feel that they are obligated to do some research on what mermaids really are prior to making up their mind about something of that nature...............

  2. I wouldn't want to be a mermaid. Mermaids are very limited to the Ocean. They wont be able to travel to space one day, they can't get up and travel on airplanes, they can't do the things an ordinary human could do. I believe they exist in Cartoons, Movies, and Books. ..

  3. Well mermen exist for sure.....

    Have you been watching the olympics lately???

  4. I am a merman, and I'm very confident about my gender.  I have no desire to become a mermaid. I know they exist, because my mother was one.

  5. I am Mermaid and of course i exist

  6. i beleive but youd have to be born one.

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