
Do you want to be neutral or biased ? Do you have mindset on anything ?

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Do you want to be neutral or biased ? Do you have mindset on anything ?




  1. Every one has his/her own mind sets depending upon his physical formation and grooming. Every one is Naturally biased towards himself, because his mind set (The Natural Self) works towards that. Every one reacts towards a situation depending upon his self protective mind sets. That is why in a similar situation different people react differently. One feels or hypocratically pretends to be neutral but he is not in fact, because he is not created like that. No body does anything without having a motive behind that, may be consciously or subconsciously. Even true sacrifices have a motive of godly achievements. Being absolutely neutral means, being in the state of inaction and full saturation - the God! Which is not possible unless one dies with purified (detached) soul.

  2. I am open to all.

  3. i try to be neutral as far as possible.i do have a mindset oncertain things which i will not break for anything.

  4. it depends on the situation and person....but mostly i try to be on the side of truth.

  5. Neutral or biased about what exactly?, you can't ask a question like that under such vague terms.

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