
Do you want to breath clean, fresh air? Would you like to help clean Mother Earth and stop pollution?

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Most of us know how pollution is affecting our daily lives. So many diseases and bad things are happening. Many simply say: "I don't care what is going to happen with this earth 10 or 40 years from now, I am not gonna be here anymore!". But, when we look ahead, who are the ones who will suffer in the long run? That's right, our children.

With so many factories polluting the air and water, with toxic emissions, so many cars in this world driving everywhere...acid rain, global warming, name it, we are seeing it.

We have to do something, we have to fight against it. I know there are people just like me who want to help clean the environment, replenish nature, breath clean and pure air, conserve our water and not be threatened by these toxins that are destroying our ecosystems....

Please tell me if you are one of these people who really care, and together let's do something to save our Planet, this wonderful home that God gave us, to enjoy this beautiful life with.




  1. 1. Ban the Bulb. Use energy efficient light sources.

    2. Build houses with proper ventillation so as to avoid more of artificial heating and cooling systems.

    3. There are many models where house cooling can be done without aircons. Follow those methods.

    4. Take all steps to evade carbon emissions.

  2. Yes I am one of these people who really care and I'll do a lot more soon to help save the planet. I'm starting a new career as an environment manager and I'll be paid to inform companies how they should change to do a difference too because we know they are often the big culprits!

    Consumers can do a difference too but many companies have the power to save tons of waste by searching to which company they could sell it! A girl promoting this type of career said the carpet company she was actually working for stopped trowing out the fuzz produced by selling it to a company who could use it instead of new fiber! 14k tons of waste not going to the dump anymore each year!

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