
Do you want to die? Are you happy with what you have done in life? Would you be ok if you went tomorrow?

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What would you think if you only had till tomorrow? What would you want to do? or would you just go one like it was another day?




  1. i would probably devote that time to the world and help out a lot of people. cooking for the homeless, helping the sick, helping children, talking to the youth, spending time in church thanking god and also asking for forgiveness. i have helped out a lot for years in my church with kids, feeding the community and the poor, but i have never devoted my whole entire time to just that so i think that instead of just being normal i will give that time to make a difference on last time. im sure it wont kill me sooner.

  2. I would be happy to die tomorrow. I would just sit and wait.

  3. h**l no I am only 20! I am only a boy!

  4. Sometimes : no : don't know

    Nothing: Don't know: Yes

  5. If I was going tomorrow, I think I'd just relax... but if I was going in a month... I'd hire someone to help me have a garage sale and clean the house, so my family wouldn't have such a big job.

    Then, I'd spread as much love, peace, and gratitude to those in my life that I possibly could....until bye bye.

  6. I don't really understand your question, sorry.

  7. I would want to tell my children i love them and be right with god so i would know i would go to heaven!!

  8. Well, I don't want to die!!!

    I am happy, so far, with what I have done in life but.. i'm only 24 so, still got loads to do!

    Plus, I have a 1 yr old, so for me, wouldn't be ok if I went tomorrow,,.. I'm the only one he can depend on, so until he's at least 20, I intend to make sure I am around!!!

    If I only had 'til tomorrow, I would spend every minute with my son, and make him tapes of us, and some of me for him to remember me by!!!

  9. omg

    well first of all if i only had til tomorro i would flip out

    there is so much ahead of me so many things i want to do and that i want to expiercen and achomplish in my life i am sorta happy with the way my life is going just not happy that my dad and me arent so good right now

    but thanks for asking

  10. Do I want to die? NO

    Am I happy with what I have done in life? I don't think it has been wasted, but also not as productive as I would've desired

    Would I be okay if I went tomorrow? Not really as I'd rather not die, but if it happenedd there wouldn't be a lot I could do about it, would there?

    Why is this in Marriage & Divorce?

  11. I'm divorced, have no access to my kids. No one's gunna miss me.

  12. i love life i would not wanna die

    i love living and breathing

    so i would not treat it as just another day i would say goodbye to everyone i love and probably freak out after that

    cause im only 15 i have tons to see and do

  13. yeah sometimes i do want to die, i have a very rare disease so i'm in pain a lot without anyway to control it but i don't always want to die. i found the love of my life and want to be with him forever. if i knew i only had till tomorrow i would visit my family and friends then spend the rest of the time in his arms.

  14. if i only had til tomorrow to live i would make the most of my time by spending it with my loved ones...we would sit and things we didnt get the chance to do in the past and then i would want them to b with me until i close my eyes for the last time...

  15. Yes but if my wife would look me in the eyes, say she loved me, and give me a ********, then my attitude would change dramatically.

    Here is my specific list of things I would do differently to make life better next time:

    1.  Have more fun

    2.  Never reject any sexual advances of any girls

    3.  Never be the first to make sexual advances.  Always focus on liking and loving people for who they are.  Get to know people better.

    4.  Major in arts and sciences instead of engineering.  Do weirder volunteer work.  Look for jobs that are more interesting.  

    5.  Go into debt.  Buy a car purely for chick attraction value.

    6.  Drink imported beer in college.  Buy beer for women in bars all the time, even if there is no chance they will like me.  Take a special $1000 loan just to upgrade the beer for 4 years; pay it back later.

    7.  Go to a lower ranking college where I am in the top 20% academically.  Get good grades.  Work out more, party less.  

    8.  Marry a girl who is healthy and happy, with average looks and average brains but really loving and a genuine balanced love of life, probably from a small town, whose mom knows how to cook pie and whose dad was an electrician, and a family where if you pay off a car they love you and think you're rich.  

    8.  Enjoy all the regular, simple things.  Eat bacon, drink coffee, have s*x.  Have babies whenever and however they come.  Get to know whomever are your neighbors.  

    9.  Don't give opinions.  Don't even mentally draw any conclusions.

    10.  Make friends with people who don't have any.  Live to give.

    My parents had me believe that winning was bad, that life was really hard, that blue collar people were mean and stupid, that rich people were sinners, that all good food and fun things were bad, and that s*x was evil.  I believed I was supposed to never have s*x, never drink or smoke, marry a woman who was valedictorian of the class, then I should become the head of General Motors and live in a big house where we all say grace before dinner.  Then we donate all of our extra money to charity and give speeches about how the world is evil and we are here to change all that.

    See, that was kind of hard to live up to.  It took me 30 years to figure out that was c**p, and figure out how to get away from my loving but mentally torturous parents.

    Now I have a very good life that I like, a decent job with enough money, two beautiful kids, and a beautiful wonderful wife whom I love dearly and who will NOT have s*x and will not discuss it... so it wears on me, giving a BRAND NEW screwed up problem to my kids to deal with... and thus beginning another generation in the circle of life.

  16. I don't want to die but I'd be okay with it if I did. I've done pretty good with what I have been given to work with in life. I'd rather go tomorrow, before I have kids, than have to leave my kids. I'm curious to know what my next life will bring, hopefully it's a tad better than this one (my life is good...purgatory good, not heaven good or h**l bad).

  17. I would make love to my wife over and over and die in my sleep.

  18. i would take the day off, wouldn't you?

  19. I don't want to die but I am not afraid to die.  If I only had until tomorrow, I would want to surround myself with my family and friends and remember all the good times we had.  I would remember those that were in my life that I had already had to say goodbye to and I would let everyone know how much they meant to me and what role they played in my life.

    No, it would not be just another day.  It would be like a visitation or a wake, only I was still among the living!

  20. h**l no I don't want to die!!!  There are things here on earth that can help us learn to be more at peace with ourselves and also to learn to not have so many unmet desires.  Imagine dying when you weren't a peace.  Or dying when you had desires that you could not let go of.  That's how people end up being in purgatory or being ghosts instead of just going to heaven.  

    There's lots of positive things to do for yourself still Angel!  Life is an opportunity

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