
Do you want to do something about global warming or watch it happen?

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Did you know that in 200 years earth's temperature will get higher? the North Pol is going to melt and the sea levels will rise to 20METERS! can you imagine, maybe Europe would go under water and other countires! We have +50 years to slow gobal warming. IF we don't do something now in 50 more years it will be to late and we can just watch it happen and the whole world would go under water soooon!




  1. I'm going to sit and watch whatever nature wants to throw at us.

  2. i totally agree! i think we should slow down global warming. because like, today we are enjoying our butts off by causing pollution and stuff and tomorrow, we're all floating underwater, dead.

    So i should think we should either stop or slow down global warming if we know what's good for us. cause not many people care about the environment unlike some of us, and myself do. i am a nature lover and therefore, i really think we should begin slowing down global warming. some people already invented gas made from plants and stuff, i saw it in a tv show once. so is it a bad thing or a good thing?

    but still, i really think we should slow it down before we all drown and die! at least fishes would live.

  3. I want to do the small things that will make a difference, but I'm not going to move to the mountains and get all "man of the woods" just yet.

  4. It is one of those things you know will happen. However, if we all don't do something quick, (which no one is) it is inevitable. This is just another instance in which mankind has realized too late what a serious problem this could be. I agree with Brandie: Not enough people care to make a big difference. Good news though: I've been informed that the hole in the ozone is getting smaller!

  5. I'm going to sit back and watch it happen, because all of these dumb grassroots ideas like organic dog food and alternative hydrocarbon fueled cars aren't going to reduce the dependence of 70% of the nations electrical generating capacity upon fossil fuel.

  6. Congrats-you are a victim of propaganda.

    Now give control of your life and your money to the Fed so they can buy more jets for the next bali conference.

  7. The Democratic Comprehensive Energy Plan To Lower Gasoline Prices

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    We need a comprehensive plan that puts America back to work in

    endeavors that benefit 99% of America.

    Howard Scott Pearlman


    Tony Mullen

  8. al gore, is that you?

  9. Okay, Global Warming is happening and we have to do our part. What suggestions can you give to stop global warming. It is just another fight among many, many, many fights going on all around the individual can make a difference tell them how!

  10. If you went to school 25 years ago (as I did), you would still be taught gloom and doom, just about different things.  In 25 years time, teachers will have forgotten about global warming - they will be teaching some other type of gloom and doom.

    You can believe it if you want, but what are you going to tell your kids when global warming is completely forgotten and they come home from school and say to day we learned that we could all die because of (internet overexposure, microwave signal saturation, genetically modified food poisoning).

  11. I want to do something. But i'm alone is not enough.

  12. do something..

  13. I am going to live my live and raise my children be the best steward I can be and when its all said and done I will chalk up global warming in the dust and let the rain settle it.

  14. i want to help.  i have been recycling (even though i am in an apt complex that doesn't offer any type of recycling program) and we turn off unnecessary lights.  unfortunately my husband and i can't carpool.  i care more about the animals that will suffer than the people.  animals can't help it but people can and i don't think enough people actually care to make a difference.

  15. sdd

  16. just stay at home...think safety... never go out until global warming, vanished to

  17. i am doing somthing about it...

  18. I am doing all I can by fighting against leftist propaganda and arguing for freedom and prosperity.  I am not sure where you get your information but the sea levels are not going to rise 20 meters for thousands of years and probably not then.  If the Arctic melts sea levels will rise an inch or two due to expanding water.  I suppose if you are standing in the water on your tip toes waiting for it for several decades, it might affect you.  Otherwise, you should learn to ignore the nonsense and enjoy your life.

  19. Don't we all watch it , if we couldn't then would it be ?

    you asked this question in wrong time bcuz it's too late for replying

  20. Global warming is so very very true all the CO2 gasses that we all burn like oil, gas, and all the other fossil fuels.

    There is quite a bit to slow it down like recycle and scientists are trying to make cars run off of water of solar power, but global warming has already started. The earths warming has increased by 1-2 degrees every year. Soon the water will be on top of our heads some people say but, you always have to remember that water has to freeze too because earth is a cycle! Once the ice melts someplace it will freeze again!

  21. global warming is a natural thing that the earth and all other planets go through. look that up before you start getting overdramatic on this.

  22. We can not affect solar cycles.  Solar cycles are the driving force of climate change.  We can not predict the future.  We will adapt.

  23. Where is your question? This sounds like a statement of opinion to me.

  24. We have to stop  using electricity and plant more trees to remove all the carbon dioxide that is enough from the happening the global warming.

  25. do sth for it of cource

  26. at least the penguins will be warmer

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