
Do you want to lower gas prices on thursdays?

by  |  earlier

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If you do the EVERYONE spread this around and you go to or just don't drive in you car on thursday! Every thursday!!




  1. Yeah, I wish that would work, but it's never going to. If I didn't drive on Thursdays I would miss class and that wouldn't be good. I'd love gas to be cheaper but it won't happen this way.

  2. you can't force the stations to lower prices. The owners make little profit on gas as it is, the money goes to the distributors. A gas station makes their money on the donuts and snacks you buy, or the cigarettes, and other bits and pieces. Nice thought, but it won't work until you hit the distributors or oil companies and that is a formidable undertaking.

  3. Unfortunately this is not an option for people with jobs who need to go to work. Nice thought, but hardly realistic.  

  4. help please im begging you to answer my  question

  5. Gas is waaay to expensive these days. Luckily I've found a site that offers free gift cards for it. Life's great when you don't have to pay for your gas =)

  6. No!  Lower gas prices on Thursdays!  Absolutely not, I hope we never get lower gas prices!

  7. no one is going to do that who is going to walk in the cold in the winter  

  8. Just switch to a car that doesn't use gasoline. That's what I did. Mine runs on natural gas (methane), and it's 87 cents a gallon AND cleaner for the environment. Why does everyone think a car can only run on gasoline? It's just one type of fuel, after all. Check out my source and save yourself a lot of grief and stress over this oil c**p.

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