
Do you want to read a red neck joke?

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billy bob told a friend that it was time for him to take a vacation. his friend agreed that he should. billy bob thought for a while and told his friend that the last couple of vacations he took, his wife got this time, he is taking her with him ! the friend just turned around and walked away with sly smile on his face.




  1. Good one...But I'd rather say sorry about before.  I didn't intend any hurt feelings...could we just say...rack it up to Mother of the Bride sense of humor is a bit strained just now!

    forgiveness is sweet and appreciated! =)

  2. Ha ha, quite funny...!

  3. I think I know them Cliff!

  4. Oh, that's cold C.W. shoot, poor guy. That was funny my friend, keep em coming.

  5. OMG!!!!

    Billy Bob is bobbing his friends wife!!!

    I bet they are brother and sister!!!!!

    Thanks for the laughs - I need them!!!

  6. ...and a wink to the wife

  7. Funny bit of southern red neck trailer trash humour,love it,lol ! Thank you.

  8. hahahahahahaha

  9. Not at all what I was expecting!

    Makes you wonder what else he needs to change. LOL

  10. haha ... very good! thanks for the early morning chuckle.

  11. Hey, C.W.!

    YES! I do want to read a redneck joke!

    And that's funny!

    (I'm with Bod Baby; I think I know those people... !)

    And Ron too.. it IS cold. (Yow...)

    There are so many really funny "redneck" jokes "out there"...

    I appreciate any new material !

    My problem is REMEMBERING the great jokes I hear...

    At least THIS one is written down so I can "get" it again...

    Thanks! C.W.!!  

    What else ya got??

    (I'm never satisfied, I know.... )

    But lately - "funny" is scarce, and that one is FUNNY...! }:>

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