
Do you want to see a weak America or a Strong Free Prosperous America? Than Stand Up for America?

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Support your fellow Americans,buy American .Keep Americans working, and not greedy un-capitalistic CEO's who claim they are Americans, yet rip off all of us




  1. When the capital gains tax (39%), the second highest in the world, and the exorbitant taxes on small business and large corporations are reduced, you will see many more products produced in the U.S.

    CEO's, by the nature of their positions in a capitalistic economy, are required to make their companies as profitable as possible or THEY will no longer have a job.

    The "rip-off" is of our own making.

  2. CEO's are rarely uncapitalistic (which isn't really a word), they are often so capitalistic that they send business outside of the country to make more money.

    Although I'm all for the buy American

  3. We should stop drinking water fluoridation which makes Americans fatter, slower, and more stupid with every glass of water they drink and every shower they take (it soaks through your skin).  

    Fluoridation makes the drug companies richer.  

    It leaches lead from pipes and causes lead poisoning and violence.  

    It carries aluminum from cooking pots or soda cans or maybe even alum in pickles into your brain causing dementia.  

    Things that were perfectly safe 50 or 60 years ago are not safe any more.

    If you think I am stupid, then realize I have been fluosilicated for 44 years.

    Even the EPA scientists who compute water safety want it stopped.

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