
Do you want to see more of it.?

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When Junior seen that his car get hit in the front and he went to Hamilin and bumped him, it showed me that he does has emotion, I like to see more of that from him. What do you think?




  1. I loved it and would like to see JR get more aggressive with the other jerks out there that think that it is OK to wreck someone but cry when that person retaliates. GO JR!

  2. It was a good race.  Jr finally got a set.   Shrub is out of hand and Keselowski is really good.

  3. h**l yes! That was awesome. Jr has always had a set, just I think the pressure of being nascar's most popular driver and endlessly scrutinized and criticized icon usually keeps him from using em.

  4. it doesn't really matter to me. I'm not a big Jr fan so i dont care.

  5. "Lets Get It On", comes to mind..WTG JR........

  6. Actually Jr. thought he got a good draft and made a pass for 2nd. He didn't realize that the caution had came out and almost ran over Denny. Then he slowed down. He thought he was gonna pick up a win till he realized they were under caution.

  7. Yea, it is about time. GO Junior!!!

  8. Yeah that would be great for him to lead by example! Maybe tomorrow we will see multiple crashes under caution caused by drivers that have no business getting involved in the first place! Maybe Roush will take out Hendricks and then Chidress will take out Roush etc, etc,, And we will owe all to jr!

  9. I think all the jr fans may have perked up a little bit tonight when jr showed he just may have the balls to mix it up a little with another driver.

  10. Why not, everyone else is able to wreck, crash, or hit whomever they choose

  11. thats stupid had kyle or denny or anyone else done that you'd be freekin

    if he does that  again he'll get black flagged, or at least should be

    lol thebestanswer that was good

    and graciouswolfe you got it all backwards jr can do anything he wants not the other drivers

  12. I would love for Junior to show more emotion and be more aggressive... More like his father... Have respect but don't take c**p from anyone!!!

    Go Junior!!!

  13. Should have kept it off track as it might have been perceived by NASCAR to be aggressive driving.

  14. I thought that was the coolest thing. It's about time for some payback. I'm sick of JGR drivers being bu**holes on the track and then having to listed to Joe talk about how God blessed them.

  15. Yep, would love to see it. Personally, seeing all the "controversy" that has gone on this year is making it more interesting than Nascar's been in a while.

  16. i think that it was good to see junior show some cojones, but he should channel his aggression properly.  if denny had crumpled juniors fender, then junior should have waited until the restart then put denny's @$$ in the wall.  and even i, being a jgr fan (though not a big hamlin fan), would have had no problem whatsoever with that.

    instead, by going up and hitting denny for something denny did to brad, junior managed to make keselowski look like he can't take care of himself.  he SHOULD have radioed in and told brad's crew chief (one of JRs employees) that if he didn't tell brad to go up and give denny some h**l that he'd fire them all.  that would have been showing some cojones, as AN OWNER, which is how he was related to the incident.  teach the boy to fight his own fights, then be there to back him up - but don't fight them for him.

    when kyle and steven wallace got into it, rusty didn't run down to the track and grab kyle's helmet - steven did.  i give him credit for standing up for himself.  

    and let there be no misunderstanding - denny was WRONG to do what he did.  he was even more wrong to open his mouth after the race and try to explain - he's no tony or kyle and he just can't pull it off.  "i had him cleared except for like, two inches."  well then, you didn't have him cleared, did you?  and that lame attempt to mimic kyle's "you mess with the bull, you're going to get the horns" fell flat.  nobody goes around trying to throw concrete blocks - they're way too heavy.  

    that's my $0.02.

  17. I would too.  I like to see him actually react to something out there in the open.

  18. I agree I want to see more of that too!! It showed me more of his aggressive side that I've been waiting for!! Go Jr!!

  19. I would too, I wish someone would lite a fire under his rear end and get him fired up over stuff like that. Go Jr!!

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