
Do you want to see something funny about CT's I-95 highway construction?

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Don't take this too seriously:

With construction well underway to widen I-95 around the New Haven area, a backhoe operator unearthed a sign that brought the construction to a halt. The sign reads, "NO DIGGING ALLOWED" Connecticut statute oh no I-95. The sign was given to the Department of Transportation and was found to be valid. The state was called back into special session to modify the statute, "oh no I-95" so construction could resume. Take note that six miles of digging had already taken place. While the highway was shut down during the special session the businesses lost more business. Fearing a law suit the state offered to rebuild the businesses along newly landscaped land parallel to the highway. They accepted, even though there was no exit ramp leading to the parking area. They were promised a ramp once the construction was completed.




  1. Sad part is these are the people that get elected by the general population. So who's dumber, the politicians or the people who think they can do a good job? Dumb stuff like this goes on all over America.

  2. Living in Ct., it doesn't suprise me.  If you think thats bad, how about what is going on with the I84 project. We in the area have been stuck in traffic for better than 2 years, and then everything that the constution company did was wrong. They have started over to fix the problems.

  3. no, i don't want to see anything funny

  4. I Love Government Bureaucracy!

    And their effeciency!....whoooo! hooo!

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