
Do you want to send in your question for Oreilly to ask Obama?

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you can pose your question for Oreilly to consider. If there is a potent theme in the messages, you may hear that question in the interview. my opinion only.




  1. billo can kiss my big ten inch. i dont care if hes interviewing god himself. i refuse to watch that moron.

  2. The only thing I would consider sending him would be some used toilet paper.

  3. hi,

    This is from an Obama speech in mid-August:

    If we think that we can secure our country by just talking tough without acting tough and smart, then we will misunderstand this moment and miss its opportunities. If we think that we can use the same partisan playbook where we just challenge our opponent's patriotism to win an election, then the American people will lose. The times are too serious for this kind of politics.

    The guy sounds like he has Americas best interest at hand.  I feel it will be a close election.

    Learn more about Barack Obama and what he stands for.

  4. a blubbering v****a interviewing a post turtle.

    This is a political ploy to draw attention away from mccain tonite.  this is a RIOT

    Now if Obama had the balls to go toe to toe with Hannity I would tune in!

  5. bill is not allowed to ask any question obama has not had time to go over with his handlers and craft a answer..

    do you really think obama would agree to be on there without a safety net.

    here is a question bill won't ask "have you studied Hitlers policies and rise to power. or do great minds just think alike ?

  6. yes, i'd like to know if he dances with the devil in the pale moonlight!

  7. I'm just happy O'Reilly is interviewing him.

    Finally, someone in the media besides Charlie Gibson is going to ask hard questions of Obama, instead of lobbing softballs at him.  And Obama won't have any prepared speech or teleprompters to help him.

    I think this interview could be more important to either of the campaigns then McCain's speech tonight!

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