
Do you want to stop world starvation and genocide now?

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I want to know for those environmentalist what they are going to do to help food shortages around the world because of the demand for the US to burn corn alcohol in our fuels to lower emissions? First it is a fact that adding 10% alcohol reduces the mileage of cars by 20 percent and the cars run much worse and destroy fuel injectors and catalytic converters, I now have to run mid grade gas to keep my car from pinging which is caused by detonation. Now that the farmers are growing corn instead of wheat and rice for food we are having riots around the world, what is your suggestion to alive this problem caused by your stupid assumption that cars are the worst polluters? And By the way why don’t you make volcanos illegal? The last two that erupted this last month put out more CO2 than all the gas and diesel powered vehicles in the world in one day. And how do you stop global warming from the blasts of the sun that have hit the earth in 2000, 2003 and 2005 that knocked out communication sa




  1. There's room for everyone here - My 1969 pontiac is a relic, but I'd love to have an electric beside it.  It's not my fault that e-10 (normal gas) causes pinging, it's the engineers and union members of a dysfunctional infrastructure that we call the USA.  I couldn't care less if making ethanol starves others, because we've overpopulated anyway.  Do you want it to be illegal to choose what crops we grow?  Cars aren't the worst polluters, actually lawnmowers are worse.  Volcanoes ARE illegal, but since it's unenforceable, just like all the OTHER laws our two party system makes...

    WHY do we pay lawyers so much, and cops (the ones that have to ENFORCE all the laws) so little?

  2. 1. You're wrong about volcanoes:

    2. I don't think it's acceptable when it is more beneficial to produce bio-fuel instead of food. However, the 2:nd generation which produces ethanol from Cellulose can become very successful and help solve our problems. The technology exists, it just needs some assistance to become commercial profitable:

  3. Also add to the environmentalist that their hype of Global Warming is the reason the oil Co. are robing us. They originally intended to hurt the oil Co. but is making them billions. The environmentalist should be liable for this lie.

  4. I'm only going to respond to the food part, but you have to consider that the western governments are subsidizing the farmers in these countries who grow crops for biofuels and not subsidizing those who grow crops for food.  That isn't a practice recommended by the environmentalists, it comes straight from Wall Street and the other major investment houses of the west.  Another practice that hold these countries back is "dumping" grain at below market price in their grain markets so they have no market for grain they grow themselves.  That is a prcatice that dates back to colonial times.  50% of the USA's "contribution" to the hungry countries is of this type.  Only half of it comes from the US at all.  Hybrid seeds, modern fertilizers and credit for  agriculture is not available to these countries.

  5. What are you babbling about? If you set your timing properly for ethanol, you won't have those problems. You just can't use rubber or aluminum fuel line components.

    Reduced mileage is a reasonable tradeoff for MUCH CHEAPER fuel. think.

    Farmers have been growing INEDIBLE dent corn for a LONG time. It doesn't go to 3rd world nations, it goes into your hamburgers and corn syrup.

    There's still plenty of farmland that's being kept in reserve. Why do you think the gov't PAYS farmers NOT to grow stuff?

    I don't give a d*** about GW, ethanol will eventually be produced for under a dollar per gallon. Remember those days?

  6. yes, I agree with you but we have to do something. We can sit and wait to die but why don't we die greatly! ( only if that is the case we head to) - but who knows... we may survive.

    check out this video. It is very powerful to alert me

  7. Alcohol does not hurt fuel injectors or catalytic converters unless your car was produced prior to 1990.  It does lower your emissions though.

    Here is a fact that everyone seems to miss, fuel usage and emissions are not directly related.  You can get another 10 MPG from your car if you removed the catalytic converter and other emissions equipment.  You'd be producing a lot more pollution though.  Every piece of equipment we put into cars to reduce emissions lowers fuel mileage.

    Take your pick.  Less fuel used, or less pollution expended.

    There have been changes to fluids like motor oil and gear oil to allow engines to run on less viscous formulas to allow for better efficiency.  We need to force all the manufacturers to streamline the engines themselves to reduce resistance in the engine and drivetrain to allow less energy loss.  This will help regardless what fuel source we use.

  8. You're singing to the choir here.  Good statement.

  9. look who is the biggest offender;...

    if you stopped eating Hamburgers it would help

    stop using ethanol

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