
Do you want to trade coke codes for pepsi codes?

by Guest67119  |  earlier

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I am really looking for pepsi codes because i really want one of the headphones they are offering. I am willing to trade up to 9 coke points for one pepsi point because of this. I am able to get so many coke codes because my school only has coke vending machines. Please follow through with this deal if you are interested. Most importantly, this is not any kind of scam!




  1. i have about 20 pepsi stuff codes i am willing to trade and ill even send you the codes first and then you send me the coke rewards unused codes and there are about 5 twelve pack codes worth two points each and about 10 or 11 20oz codes worth 1 point me at if you are interested.thanks

  2. Are Pepsi codes worth it though. If you want Coke codes though, subscribe to this site, they give free codes daily.

  3. uhm ill give you coke codes email me at and ill send them to you

    idc how many coke codes you send me.

    just make it fair.

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