
Do you want your mom to keep your childhood art projects?

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I'm a mom with a bunch of clay and other art projects from my kids' elementary school years. My kids are now in 8th and 11th grade. They don't seem to care too much if I toss the projects, but they also don't seem to be really paying attention when I ask them. So, I'm wondering, would you want your mother to keep your art projects so you can see them again in 10 - 20 - 50 years? I'm just curious.





  1. I'm 21 and I love looking at art projects I made in elementary school! I'm so glad my mom saved them. Obviously, at the time, I didn't know how important they'd be to me someday. She didn't save everything, but enough. If there is a lot, I'd pick just a few for each kid to save. They may change their mind in a few years.

    Also, my grandmother saved a few things from my mom when she was in school and I love looking at those too. It's hard for me to picture my mom in school lol, but the stuff my grandma saved helps!

  2. I'm a 23 year old male and I moved away a year ago.  My mom is trying to get rid of my things, and I personally have no problem with that.  But there is something nice in knowing that some of those things I did back in elementary school are still laying around the house.  It makes me feel special, even at this 'old' age.

    I almost think you should ask yourself, down the road, when you are much older, will you regret not having those art projects?  When your son or daughter is getting married and moves off on his or her own, will you wish you had kept some of those silly little things?

    Just a thought!  I think if I were a parent, I would want to save some REALLY special projects so I can look at them when I'm 50 or 60 and feel really good about my family!

  3. I think it's kinda cool to look at all the projects I did when I was little. :P

    Especially now because I'm really into art. [going to high school for it now.] So it's cool to see how much I've changed my style & gotten better.

    And I'm going into 10th grade.

  4. I would like to see them when i'm olderI(i'm in 8th grade) My mom has different school projects in a box for us so we can see them when we're older and we can show our kids. Also if we made ornaments for our christmas tree we still put them on the tree :  )

  5. definetly keep them! i love looking back at childhood memories. it makes me smile when my parents find things that i made from elem. school and when im cleaning my room and find things like that. baby pictures also bring back cherishable childhood memories. i also love it when my mom tells me stories about me when i was younger. the silly things i would do =) please keep them safe somewhere, its always good to have a good laugh once in a while about the past

  6. My mother keeps all my old art projects.

    I really love looking at the kitten I tried to make with pipe cleaners and the wacky mess that we call a 'glitter heart'.

    It's means a lot to me that she keeps those projects, no matter how messy and unrecognizable they may be.

  7. Yes!!!!!!!! she has kept them so far in a portfolio that i keep it my closet

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