
Do you want your partner to be?

by  |  earlier

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a)like you in all ways

b)complete opposite

c) like you in some ways and balance you out in others?

Explain your reasoning!!




  1. c

  2. c)  We would drive one another nuts if we were exactly alike or complete opposites.

  3. c.  You need to have the same goals or its like a tug of war.

    You need to have someone that can do what you cant, or its like two people paddling on the same side of the canoe.

  4. i pick C. beacuse if we were totaly opposite it would be hard to get along but if we were the same it would bother me i wouldnt want a clone of me? plus i want someone who can be strong in my weak points and vise versa

  5. C, obviously. The other two options rarely occur, anyway. A would be completely dull, and B would be too hard to maintain.

  6. DEFINITELY C! My fiance is polar opposites from me on almost everything and its awful, we cant ever agree on ANYTHING. Ugh!

  7. Well she could not be like me in all ways,for I love woman..

    Complete opposite would not work,for then she would be unloving..

    So there is only one answer I could give ,would be like me in loving,caring,understanding ways,everything that of love,and only a little different,in who she is being a woman..

    Things that work together work smoothly,for though it takes many parts to make all things work,they work in harmony to get the job done!!!''Same purpose of thought,even though they are of different parts''

  8. I want my partner to be a passive housewife who does what I tell her.

    I'm an Alpha male.. I obviously don't want an alpha female (if such a thing exists).

  9. c) same intrests(gives stuff to talk about) diffrent opinions(keeps talking)

  10. C  we are a balanced couple

  11. C

    I'd like her to have many of the same interests, but I think she needs to have some feminine qualities and interests as well.  Otherwise, I might as well be married to a man.  Besides, the best thing would be if she has strengths in all the areas I have weaknesses in and vice-versa.

  12. Si. I mean, C.

    I see Brad D is back for more h**l-raising.

    Being with someone like me would be boring. I like someone who compliments me - to use the cliché the yang to my yin. :)

  13. i want him to be his own self. that is who i fell in love with.

  14. A lot of similar interests, with just enough differences to make it interesting.

    The differences also let you have your personality outside of the relationship. You still need to grow as an individual as long as part of a couple.

  15. C.  

    Got to have some stuff in common or it get boring

    Got to have some stuff different or it get boring

    Got to be able to have someone to lift you up and someone to stabilize you down as well

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