
Do you watch a lot of television?

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And why or why not? :-)




  1. no... tv is stupid....  an those so called reality shows r so boring... there so fake... evrything on tv is fake....  even the game shows r rigged....  now i spend my free time on the computer insted....

  2. the box of my sattelite is broken so I can't watch t.v but normally I would be watching t.v instead of here where I get reported by anti-men femenists.

  3. No.

  4. No, most things on TV suck now to put it bluntly.

  5. yes,

    it keeps me occupied

  6. I tape a lot of my programs and then spend a rainy day inside watching hours and hours to catch up. This way I can avoid the commercials.

    I'm in to CSI, Criminal Minds and Gene Simmons........LOL!

  7. No, we do not watch a lot of TV.  We turned the cable of several years ago.  We just didn't watch.

    Everyone at our house is an avid reader.  All of us read about a book a day (much more expensive habit that TV watching!).

    We also live on a permaculture farm.  Between spending time outside working on farm stuff, cooking, interacting with the family, or reading, who has time to watch TV?

    TV is boring and trivial (though I do enjoy nature shows).

    Our TV is on about 15 minutes a day, so we can catch the weather on the news.  The weather is pretty important, when you farm!

    When I'm canning, dehydrating, or otherwise putting up food, and spending hours in the kitchen, I will at time turn on the TV, if I'm working alone.  Then it's often a culture shock, to see what kind of talk shows are on....people actually air their DIRTY (extremely dirty) laundry on national TV!  Weird.


    Permaculture homesteading/farming over 20 years

  8. I'd like to see more.Everytime I want to see something good on tv, I have to work. And the video never records it. The HD recorder is nearly full of stuff I haven't watched.

    The only time I get to see it now is about two evenings a week. Mostly on a Sunday. I catch the news in my lunch hour sometimes.

  9. Im 15 and i do not watch alot of T.V., usually im very busy and never home, and when i come home, i rather do something else instead of Watching TV.

    Call friends is something I do, or come to Yahoo answers. =)

    Or sit outside and paint my toenails or something like that.

    But, yeah I dont watch alot of TV.

  10. No, computer all day :P

  11. Not really. There aren't many shows I like nowadays.

  12. I don't know how much is much, but I'm a multimedia girl, and some people think I do.

  13. only p**n.

  14. Most of the time the TV only provides background noise in my house.  But I do like to keep up with the news, and I have a few favourite shows I like to watch.  I much prefer to read than watch television.

  15. No, because it doesn't seem like there are any good shows on right now.  I have a tv in my room, but it isn't even plugged in.

  16. Only the shows worth watching, so about five hours a week.

  17. No because this is a bad enough habit.  If I watched tv and did this other areas of my life would begin to suffer.

  18. Not really. I no longer have cable and there aren't that many good shows out these days.

  19. I used to but not that much anymore, I watch more during the school year when all my shows are in syndication not during the summer when reality TV is on overkill.

  20. Not much - just a few shows like Cash Cab, Iron Chef and Project Runway.

  21. NO

    I have a lot more to do in my life than sit in front of the TV

  22. TV is awesome.  

    I watch tv to take a brake from whatevers bothering me, and to pretty much just enjoy some of my favorite shows.  I always end up in a better mood when I do. It’s a good source of entertainment. =)

  23. I really don't have a lot of time to watch television.  When I was in my 20's and before I had kids I did watch a lot of television.  Even after I had my kids I would sit and watch TV in the evenings while I fed them.  But now that they are older we have too many activities for me to get hooked on TV shows.  When I do watch I love to watch HGTV and TV Food Network.

  24. I pretty much only watch animated shows, football, and basketball anymore.  The liberal media is tiresome, plus I save $$ by not having a cable or satellite bill.

  25. yep all day everyday

  26. not really,

    because cause i'm not American, and i don't sit on my couch eating and watching tv all day, there's better things to do, like practicing sports,

  27. I used to before my schedule filled up with work and school. But the reason I watched television so much before was just be distracted and not have to worry about life for a while. I needed some good laughs.

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