
Do you watch the news, honestly?

by  |  earlier

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Yeah, they always try to spoon feed us some B.S. so you gotta be careful what you take to heart, cause its all about ratings. I just wish they were honest and reported more good news and not just murders and war all the time. I usually watch amybe 10 minutes of it and a couple minutes of fox news just to see how crappy they are at manipulating people, then I get on the internet and look for the real news around the world.




  1. Yes.  I watch 2x a day.  How else ya gonna no whats going on.

  2. no i don't watch the news (unless i'm trying to catch the weather, or something specific).  the news is so depressing, there is never anything positive, and it seems the news is out to cause shear panic in everything (the next virus, illness, terrorists thats gonna take over, etc).  the news is plain and simple bull hockey, and not worthy of my time.

  3. Few and far between.

    I turn Fox 4 on for the weather and trafiic report for my husband around and then the channel is changed for the kids shows.

    I might catch a few stories in the evening, but in all honesty, the local b.s just annoys me.

    I can't take hearing about criminals pretty much getting away with their crimes, mother microwaving their babies and animals being heinously abused. Same stories, different day know what i mean. I gave up on the news when they just lie, don't give all the facts (if they have any) and report nothing but negative junk. How about a pick me up every once in a while to know that there is actually still some good left in the world.!

  4. i read it online everyday.

  5. CNN for my news.   Here in Canada we have a state-run channel, CBC, that is unfortunately too left-leaning.  Always seems to pander to the special-interest groups, taking the average working person for granted.

  6. Not on TV. I listen to news from various short wave radio stations throughout the world via web streaming. TV isn't news. It's stuff designed to draw a crowd and is the stuff placed between commercials.

  7. I watch it honestly.  I wish more broadcasters selected and presented it honestly!

  8. I only watch the Spanish speaking news. I don't speak a word of Spanish but the pictures are the same. I never get upset with the news. Try it you'll like it.

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