
Do you wear a helmet when you ride a bike?

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Just curious how many of you out there wear a helmet or don't wear a helmet when riding and what makes your decision?




  1. I do.  I like my helmet, and it doesn't look to goofy so I would rather have it and wear it then not be able to ride a bike ever again.

  2. Always!  Too many people in cars don't pay attention to cyclists, and then there is always the issue of just losing control while riding and wrecking.  Yesterday I sneezed while riding the shoulder of a country road and almost went off the edge of the pavement, and I def. would have hit my head.  Even tho riding w/o one is cooler (as far as temperature goes), it's just too big of a risk to take.  Just so you know, cycling is the second most dangerous sport after basketball in the United States!

  3. Yeah, I had a terrible experience when i was 12. I disobeyed my parents by not wearing my helmet to a big marathon race, i crashed into someone else, and cut my entire forehead. My 11 year old twins wear one, and my 2 year old wears one. I even got my 3 week old one, For the back of my bike in a Cargo Baby Seat :)

  4. Yes I wear a helmet because it is against the law to ride a bycycle with out wearing a helmet.

  5. It makes you look like an idiot if you dint ride with a helmet and it makes you feel like one if you crash with no helmet on. Always wear a helmet because you wont be happy with a bad head injury

  6. Yep, I don my lid when I get on my bike.   You only have one skull that protects your one brain.   Even if you are very careful when riding, you cannot predict the unknown;  tire blowout, car swerving, hitting a small animal, etc.    Wearing a helmet while mountain biking is even more important due to the uneven terrain and such.

  7. I always wear a helmet, but I have a few things to say about it.

    A helmet provides protection -after- you crash. There are a few other things your bike should have: Horn, Lights, etc.

    Check List:

    1. headlight and tail-light, 2. rearview mirror, 3. reflective vest, 4. Brakes! make sure the brakes work on the bicycle! , 5. a horn and bell. , 6. Stop, look, and listen, when coming to an intersection. LOOk both ways before crossing the street. , 7. Right Size? is the bicycle the right size for the rider? , 8. Wear a helmet.

    The rear-view mirror helps you avoid getting hit by the crazies. They are trying to run you over.

    But let's not forget that the bicycle helmet was not invented until 1975, and it cost five hundred dollars when it was introduced. There was a great deal of opposition to the idea of buying bike helmets for kids at first. But the price finally came down.

  8. helmets were kind of optional when i started riding in the 70's.  all it took was one wreck to sell me on helmets.  i never wore a helmet.  then on day a group of us went to a local festival just as a training ride.  we fooled around and started home.  i clipped my brother's back wheel when trying to get back in the draft line.  there is a big gap in my memory.  i remember leaving the fair, and i remember the EMT's hovering over me.  the 15 minutes between those two things is gone.  i broke the helmet and knocked myself out.  i had a concusion, and i have no doubt that things would have been much worse without the helmet.

  9. yeah, i wear a helmet all of the time when i ride. I was jumping one day, screwed up (i wasn't wearing a helmet) and fell, hit my head on a rock. I got a concussion and that really sucks (no doing anything except walking for 2 freakin' weeks!)

  10. I had one forced upon me a few years ago.  It was like an intervention.  My parents, my wife and my kids all gathered around one Christmas and gave Dad his gift...

    A nice helmet.  "Please, wear it for us and not just while racing.  We know you think it's silly, but we worry about you."

    Yes I wear it anytime I ride... which is everyday as I don't race much anymore - I just commute.  Though it's tempting sometimes to not...

    Oh well - they've come a long way and actually if you get a cool one... it sorta does look kinda nifty.  Make sure to buy some sunglasse that match!

  11. Yes!  I was glad I had one when I went over the handle bars on a couple of occasions (especially on the road)

  12. I wear a helmet. It's a habit I guess.

  13. Yes. I always did. Then I crashed in a race and shattered my helmet in about 10 pieces. Now I REALLY always do.

  14. im 15 and i do a little mountain biking.  i dont wear a helment if im riding around my neighborhood or riding on a friends trail.  but i do wear one if i am racing or on a real trail or riding it on a public road.

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