
Do you wear anything under a wetsuit?

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just bought the kids wetsuits. never used them before so don,t know if they should be worn on their own or with a costume.




  1. baithing suits

  2. bathing suits and potentially a rash guard if you want, but its not needed

  3. I always wear a bikini or swimsuit under mine. It is just more practical because generally you take them off outside because you don't want to track lots of water into your house/hotel or changing area.

    If it is a proper neoprene 3/7mm one then yes I would probably recommend that your children wear something under it. However some children's suits are really thin and are really just extended swim suits which give the children more sun protection. If this is the case then usually they would only wear that.

    It is really a matter of personal choice there really isn't a right or wrong answer. They will be just as warm with or without something under the suit.

  4. yes, usually a costume.

  5. you can wear a swimsuit but you dont really need to wear anything underneath

  6. you can buy rash vests to stop them rubbing

  7. Been diving for years. Wear a bathing suit. Anyone who says otherwise is an idiot who has probably never even had a wet suit on.


  8. No the wetsuit is designed to hold water close to the skin, and the body then heats the water.

    There should be nothing under the wet suit as it would take away the effectiveness of the suit.

    Dry suits have liners

  9. Getting out of a wetsuit when "going commando" creates logistical problems on a public beach...

  10. Dave C is right, everyone else is a nut.

    Dear Chet: I can change, in public, from a wet suit to a pair of trunks using just a towel and risk no indecent exposure charges.

  11. only your swimming trunks,wet suit is designed to have a layer of water between you and the suit,it helps in insulation.

  12. i wear my bathing suit/bikini usually..

  13. yeah your birthday suit. Try wearing shorts....Good Luck. Rash guards are originally for surfing, the wax... your nipples...the paddle get the idea.

  14. you wear your bathing suit underneath, usually

  15. I always wear a swimsuit.

  16. for hygienic reasons i would wear a normal swim suit underneath

  17. swim suit but you don't have to. its made not to have anything under it.:-)


  18. Well i wore a swim suit under mine when i was at an adventure centre, but that could have been cos there were loads of holes in strange places in them!! Seriously

  19. I wear my wife's basque and stockings

  20. I tent to wear shorts under my wetsuit, purely so I can get unchanged on the beach in public...

    Also it's a force of habit... before I had my own I used to hire them, so would tend to wear tunks of shorts

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