
Do you wear black to a funeral or is that too Hollywood?

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Going to a funeral tomorrow




  1. The rules of etiquette called for the "widow" or "widower" to wear black.  Today things have changes and people are now wearing browns and blues.  It should be dark hued as you are showing your "respect" for the dead.  In some cultures it is said that you shouldn't wear red or pastels as they are "too happy" of colors and show disrespect to the dead and the mourning family.

    Peace & Love :)

  2. Too Hollywood? lol... Maybe you mean cliche?

    But wearing black to a funeral is the appropriate thing to do.. You don't have to go all out with the little net over your face and everything.. Just wear a nice black blouse with any color pants.

  3. never been to one i mean i noe lots that died but the funerals were at school times or my parents dont bring me

  4. Anything dark colored is good....if you think you look respectful then go ahead and wear it.  The fact that you're concerned enough to ask the question indicates that you will do the right thing.

  5. lets see to my grandpa funeral we had a week ago i wore black pants a nice purple shirt.

    to my Great Grandmas funeral we had in March i wore a Black skirt that had purple/gray flowers on it and a nice white blouse

    and to my uncles funeral we had in October i wore the same skirt with a long sleeved white blouse. Ive never worn black to any funeral. just as long as you look nice i don't think it matters what you wear...

  6. a tasteful black dress or suit is fine. Charcoal or other darks will work too.

  7. your outfit sounds appropriate. i am sorry for your loss.

  8. I think now anything muted goes, don't wear something loud or sleazy and you should be okay. Wear something that covers you up and doesn't stand out. I think the main thing is to be respectful.

  9. That outfit sounds nice, but you don't have to wear all black like in the movies. You want to wear your best though. You can just wear darker colored clothes like navy blue or maroon. It depends how you feel. If you want to celebrate that person's life, you can wear brighter clothes. (but not obnoxious) If you are really sad, you could wear darker clothes. It really depends on what you want to wear. :)

  10. I have gone to two funeral in the last year. I wore both black in white. To the last funeral I wore black dress pants, black shoes and a white button upt shirt. To the one before that I wore a black and white sun dress.

  11. I think what you are planning to wear is fine.

    People wear whatever color nowadays.  Many things are part of tradition but as long as you look respectable, you're okay.


  13. There are several schools of thought on this issue.

    The first school, is the older tradition that black signifies mourning - and so for many families etc, black is considered the color to wear to a funeral.  Other dark colors such as navy and gray, usually with a splash of white are perfectly acceptable.

    The second school, is the more recent one whereby families and those in mourning, prefer to 'celebrate' the deceased person's life, by wearing bright colors - especially during the summer season (I'm assuming you're in the US).  

    You probably have an idea which 'school' the deceaseds' family / service will be, but you have a couple of options to clarify - so you will not feel inappropriate with your dress:

    1) Call someone else and inquire if this will be a traditional type of service - where dark colors are preferred, or . . .

    2) Just go with what's in your gut . . . even if you wear brighter colors, or not as much black - you can consider yourself celebrating the life the deceased lived.

    3) Wear perhaps black trousers / pants / skirt, and a white shirt / blouse with perhaps a colored scarf, hanky, tie etc.

    # 3 should fit the bill no matter what the 'style' of funeral :-).

    If you wear more colors than anyone else, and someone says something, just kindly say that you prefer to show respect and celebrate the deceaseds' life with color, versus the traditional dark and 'dreary' dominating black . . then mention something positive about the deceased :-).

  14. Black is always appropriate, but muted colors are perfectly acceptable too. Anything really, as long as you don't come in a hot pink mini dress. Think court room chic. (NOT Legally Blonde) Oh and I'm very sorry for your loss.

  15. Black apparel for a funeral is NOT Hollywood....!!!  What a thought...  Is is out of respect that one wears black to a funeral... What is wrong with being a traditionalist and showing respect ?

    But thinking further on this, didn't your parents ever teach you things like this..? Weren't you curious as a child..?

    Situations such as this, are things that should be learned in the home, and if not so, then at school..

    Basic values don't seem to be of importance anymore.. I truly believe that if you were to wear what you had planned on, it sure would be the talk of the "grieving" and you'd stand out like a "sore thumb"..

    Rachelle In High Heels

  16. Sorry for your loss.  Immediate family should wear black if you have it.  if you don't have black, simply wearing "church clothes" is fine.  dress conservatively and nicely to show respect for the deceased.

  17. ....u wear black....

  18. yes, darker clothes are considered a show of mourning at funerals still today.  It is polite and considerate to wear them.  Not necessarily black, but navy blue can be worn too.  There isn't a law...just a basic rule of thumb.

  19. It's not appropriate to wear white to a funeral, unless it's a shirt under a dark jacket.  At least not in the western hemisphere.  You don't have to wear black, though.  It's traditional, but it wouldn't be inappropriate to wear something else.  Generally darker colors are preferred.

  20. I wear darker colors and sometimes black but i don't think its mandatory

  21. That depends on the traditions of the family of the deceased. If they are a Christian family, then, most likely, black or another dark color would be appropriate. If they are Buddhist then white would be the appropriate color. Remember to dress somewhat less casual than your normal attire. I'm sorry for your loss.(I don't know the appropriate colors of other religions. Perhaps you should call the family and ask what they would deem appropriate.)

  22. It is the official traditional respectful color to wear at a funeral sorry for your loss.

    Black  symbolizes the grief of the people who are attending the funeral and to mark the occasion as being somber.

    Hollyweird has nothing to do with it.

  23. I wouldn't wear a bright colour. Or all black. If you have something plain, a dark suit, or skirt suit, with a lighter colour shirt that would be OK. Or a dark dress. Just try to make sure that your outfit is not too flamboyant.

    I think the biggest thing people do wrong at funerals is when the only black thing they own is some dress that they normally wear to a night club that's too short or two low, so they wear that and end up looking like a hooker.

  24. Le Français Terçuel   Said it best. Kudos to Francais.

  25. catholic funeral- wear black

    Christian funeral is different because the death of a godly one is a celebration.

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