
Do you wear contact lenses??? Help???

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My parents recently spent a lot of money on contact lenses for me but i found that i didnt like the following aspects:

-Made my eyes dry over the day

-Made me noticably tired... my eyes got so tired

-Sometimes difficult to get on in the mornings... my eyes are small and i found the contacts were actually bigger than my eyes are.

-Just generally irritated my eyes

Has anybody else experienced these problems?

Can you suggest a solution?

Do you prefer glasses or contacts?

I feel guilty because i dont wear them and its a waste of money. So now i dont wear glasses or contacts at school which is probably ruining my eyesite. Although i wear my glasses at home.

Any help appreciated!




  1. I prefer to wear glasses only because i dont need them all the time and also if you are putting in contact lenes when you are tired and your eyes are tired this will annoy you and it can sometimes feel like sonething is scratching the inside of your eye lid. They can also be hard to put in if you are tired if you are tired this could be by your eyes are getting irritated.

  2. I have the same problem, so I wear glasses most of the time. My eyes are so itchy when I take the contacts out at the end of the day and for the next few days it feels as if I have something in my eye... its horrible.

  3. I prefer contacts over glasses.  I like having peripheral vision and prefer my appearance with contacts over glasses.  I also only wear a contact in my left eye.

    I have experienced some of the problems you are experiencing.  I work on a computer 5 days a week for 8+  hours a day and my eyes get really dry sometimes.  People also have a tendency to blink less when using a computer making things even worse for dry eyes.  I try to blink more frequently to help with it.  This may sound weird but I will try to blink rapidly about 50 to 100 times while using the restroom to help lubricate my eyes naturally.  If the blinking does not work or I do not have time to do it, then I use rewetting drops.

    I used to have all sorts of problems inserting my lens.  It took about five visits for my eye doc to even give me the lens.  I like having long nails and inserting contacts with them can be difficult so I purchased the DMV soft lens handler.  It makes inserting the contact so much easier.  I can do it with my fingers but will only do it when I have to.  Here is a link to it.

    I have not experienced any tiredness as a result of wearing contacts or any irritation other then dryness unless I accidentally sleep with the lens in my eye.  It is very unpleasant, but I can deal with it.

    You are not ruining your eyesite by not wearing your glasses or contacts.  You are just missing out on things you can normally see with your glasses on.

  4. I'm wearing contacts everyday and I can't feel a thing - so def prefer contacts. I think the fact that your contacts are larger than your eyes means that your contacts are not fitted properly. I'd go back to the optometrist and let him/her recheck the diameter of the prescribed contacts (it should be free since it's their responsible!) Also, it's possible that you are reacting to that particular brand of contact lens....ask your optometrist for another brand to try. Hope this helps!

  5. i wear contacts and i prefer them over glasses.  you got to try and find the right brand for you... they should not be bigger then your eye.  that is defenetly the problem.  i actually tried one brand on and they were to small and they irritated my eyes.

  6. yeah, i wear contacts and all that stuff happens to my eyes too. for dryness,use eye drops, to put on just pull down on bottom eye lid, bring tip of contact to where they are touching the eye,just wait, just blink a little and boom its in, that's What i do every morning :], i prefer contacts more than glasses, personally, cause i have bright blue eyes, so when i wear my glasses you cant see my eyes, and i don't like cleaning my glasses all the time, or taking them off cause of glares or steam, and i play sports and do a lot of running in school and rough stuff, so i don't like taking them off for that or just having them fall off, not that fun, and they just make my face look  crowded, and weird. alright hope i helped you

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