
Do you wear contacts or glasses and wich one would you rather wear??

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Do you wear contacts or glasses and wich one would you rather wear??




  1. Contacts no question! For a long time I had a prescription that was -1.50 and -3 and the lenses looked very different (1 weak, one strong). Now I have -2 and -3 and they look much better but I still prefer contacts. I'd be happier to wear glasses now but everyone knows me with contacts!

  2. I wear and prefer glasses. personally, i'm just too scared that the contacts will slide to the back of my eyes and i'm gonna have to undergo surgery (scary!)

  3. i wear contacts almost 100% of the time... i wish that i were confident enough to wear my glasses out in public

  4. I have worn both. I preferred contacts to glasses because they didn't get foggy in the heat, I could wear sunglasses without getting a prescription or clip-ons, and I think I look better without glasses.

    I had Lasik surgery a year ago, so now I don't have to wear either. I love it!

  5. I wear glasses, but I would prefer contacts. I have never worn them, but I just get so sick of having to fix my glasses so they don't hurt my nose and clean them and everything.

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