
Do you wear glasses, contacts, or NONE?

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Do you wear glasses, contacts, or NONE?




  1. None.

  2. Contacts.  

  3. none

    (I'm partially blind due to cataracts that can't be removed...glasses/contacts wouldn't help with that)

  4. Glasses. but only when I have to see things. Otherwise, I just feel my way around.

  5. Glasses, tried contacts once and just didn't like the feel of them.

  6. Contacts

  7. None, im the only one so far that seems to have perfect vision 20:20 ;)

  8. i wore glasses, then contacts until lasik was invented.

  9. glasses all the time  

  10. I wear both [but not at the same time of course],

    My vision is really bad :-(

  11. Contacts.

  12. glasses

  13. i wear glasses i wish i had contacts though glasses are a pain !

  14. glasses  

  15. none

    can you answer this:

  16. black rimmed glasses. im 23 and have worn glasses since 5.

  17. NONE :)

  18. Glasses throughout the day.

    None when I'm asleep.

  19. Glasses. I love them!

  20. Contacts/glasses----AKA GLONTACTS

  21. glasses and contacts

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