
Do you wear glasses or contacts?

by  |  earlier

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if you eyesight is perfectly fine, then you don't need to answer this question ! :]




  1. I usually wear contacts. But sometimes I wear glasses.

  2. glasses sadly lol :) but i love them

  3. glasses

  4. contacts! i dont like wearing glasses

  5. I wear glasses - since my eyesight is OK, I don't need to wear them all the time. Otherwise, I would save myself the trouble of keeping track of my glasses by wearing contacts.

    Not everybody can handle wearing contacts, but it's a great solution if you feel self-conscious about wearing eyeglasses. Then again, there are people with perfectly good eyesight who wear glasses for style, so really, it's up to you.

  6. I wear both, but I wear contacts the most of the time.

  7. I wear both. Wear contacts most of time because i been go outside a lot.  Glasses most of time is night time when i am at home.  and Depend on my mood which one i want to wear for rest of the day.

  8. i wear contacts....I haven't worn glasses since high school

  9. You again from UCLA/USC question. I am 45 years old, and I have worn glasses for at least the last twenty years. Lots of people do fine with contacts, but I had a hard time putting them in my eyes and removing them. They also irritated my eyes. I have a pair of prescription wrap-around sunglasses to look cool in. I love them. I spent like $250 for them even though I am poor. I got the polarized lenses and also mirrored lenses. Very cool. I also have a pair of normal glasses to wear around the house. Since I'm 45, I am going to forego the laser eye surgery. I think that is the way to go. Good luck. ^_^

  10. both

  11. Glasses now, contacts once. My problem with contacts was nighttime vision. As my iris expanded for low light it overlapped the contact's edge giving me an annoying ghost double image. I finally just gave up.

  12. eye glasses

  13. I wear my glasses when I'm at home, and my contacts when I'm getting out :)

  14. I wear glasses! I wish I did have contacts, though!

  15. I wear glasses when i have to read things from far distances! I dont need to were them all the time!

  16. I wear a contact lens in my left eye when I go out, my right eye has no correction.  I wear glasses at home when needed.

  17. I have clear contacts and colored contacts in blue and green. I love the colored contacts way more though.

  18. I wear both.


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