
Do you wear gloves when you do the dishes by hand?

by Guest64677  |  earlier

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If yes. have you ever noticed dishes smelling rubber after washing them?

It sounds weird, but one day, after washing some dishes, I have noticed that they were smelling like rubber. I was using hot water.





  1. I use the dishwasher, or the wife for small amounts.

  2. me neither

  3. Nah, I don't bother with rubber gloves.  I just use plenty of handcream.

  4. No. The only time I used gloves is when I do our bathrooms or litter box and then it's disposable non-latex gloves.  

  5. No - I dont use gloves.

  6. I did for a while, but I noticed my hands were more sore after using them, and yes, you are right about the smell!  I tend to use Ecover washiing up liquid, it doesn't dry my hands, I also keep some hand cream under the kitchen sink and use it often.

  7. gloves are for wimps lol never use `em

  8. I used to wear gloves for washing up, and yes I did notice the rubber smell after doing them.  I don't use them now, as I'm allergic to them.

  9. No i do not wear gloves.

  10. Change brands of the gloves.

  11. I wear Playtex and don't have a problem

  12. No, I don't bother with gloves.

    As far as dishes smelling like rubber, add either a splash of bleach while soaking the dishes, or add a cup of vinegar to get rid of the odor.

  13. yes if i remember because otherwise my hands become dry and irritated. Plus you can have the water hot enough to wash the dishes thoroughly.

  14. No i dont wear gloves whilst washing up :) Lol

  15. Yes, I wear gloves to do dishes, but I have never noticed a smell of rubber on the dishes. After washing them, I rinse in the hottest water I can, but before I began rinsing them, I have never noticed a smell.

    Maybe I get a smell on my hands from the inside of the gloves, but never on the dishes themselves.

    Perhaps there is a problem with the gloves - old, a cheap make or something.

  16. Yeah i use gloves, i hate the thought of something slimy touching my skin but i've never noticed any smell. I will have to smell any future dishes and see.

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