
Do you wear pants with pyjamas?

by  |  earlier

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just wondering ^^




  1. Yeah. But all sisters and mum think i'm weird for it because they don't.

    My mother's says i should as "it gives it some 'air' "

    Nice. :)

  2. Yersh

  3. Yeah ¬¬

  4. yes

  5. just wondering lolz how can you do that? =)OH!! i got it...he-he no i don't

  6. YEAH I wear pants pjs

  7. no  

  8. I wear underwear with Pajamas but i don't wear pants with PJ's

  9. depends... yeah but mostly in the winter

  10. i always sleep nude (just underwear)

    don't knock it until you've tried it it is actually really comfortabl!e!

  11. yea

  12. I do wear them but ironically i never wear them to actually sleep in, i just wear them when im dossing round the house.

  13. i wear shorts and a tank top lol

    i live in NM its realy hot here especialy when my parents leave the windows open lol

  14. !!!!!!

    no thats a fashion faux pah!  lol spelling french isn't my best but too bad!

    lol but yeah!

  15. Sometimes but i try not to because apparently you get get infections if you do.

  16. I never wear anything nor does my wife I don't see the point.

  17. i wear a tank top and shorts (and undies, no bra)

    lol i get it, no

  18. yup

  19. yep

  20. Not unless I'm on (Sorry, you didn't need to know!!).

    Your bits need to breathe!

  21. Yes I wear them under my pyjama trousers

  22. makes them last longer before they need to be washed :)

  23. no =)


    answer mine plz?;...

  24. only for a couple of nights in the month get my drift

    thats when i wear pjs anyway i like it in the nod it almost always garuntees a fantastic night with the hubbie  

    (sorry got a bit carried away)lol :)    :P

  25. My guess is that due to your spelling of "pyjamas" that you are not from the US, so when you say "pants" you mean what Americans call "underwear".

    So the answer is no, I do not wear underwear/pants with my jammies.  In fact, I don't wear jammies.  I sleep au naturel, and go commando under my clothes about 90% of the time.

    Generally speaking I wear yoga pants all day, and underwear shows through so I don't bother.

  26. Good God, no!

  27. nope

  28. Urm yes. I would feel a bit of a tramp if i didn't and its a little uncomfortable too.

  29. sometimes depends on the weather if its hot i do not if its cold i do

  30. nope. not usually.

  31. no

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