
Do you weigh more then him?

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Do you weigh more then your husband? I do and he still loves me :)




  1. least not usually but I'm pregnant with twins now so of course I do now..but normally I'm about 155 and He's about 188.

    My hubby says he likes me better when I'm pregnant..LOL!

  2. Before the kids no. After the kids yes but only by 10 pounds or so. Seeing as I am 6 months pregnant.... probably more like 20 pounds or so by the time I hit the full term mark. My husband loves me just the way I am. I was by no means a skinny stick when we got married and neither was he so the extra pounds don't bug him.

  3. At the moment i do just had 2 kids 10 months apart so no time to loose the weight but defiantly now i will be working hard to get back to my goal weight, but my husband doesn't mind either way

  4. i think i may weigh more than my boyfriend.

    he still loves me, but i feel really gross.

  5. thats good. women are curvier than men and they shouldnt feel bad when they weigh more.

  6. Nooo... I weigh about 65 lbs less.  I'm 5'2" and  weigh 119.  My husband is 5'5" and weighs 183.5. He's muscular and stocky.

    I don't think it matters what you weigh as long as you're both happy.  Don't worry about it! :-)

  7. I used to be 20 pounds less than him, but after our kid and good cooking at home meals, we weigh the same (165 yikes). We are actually the same weight, height and shoe size LOL!

    la-goofy must be a bitter divorcee... my husband still tries to maul me like a bear in the bedroom at every opportunity so apparently I am desirable!

  8. Ashley-

    You two are very cute together.



    And I am sorta singleee, So I can't really answer the question.


  9. my wife ways  a goo 30 pounds more than me and  I love her with everything i have

  10. Before kids i didnt but 3 kids later I think we are about equal at 175. Ugh.....*sigh* depressing issue.  

  11. We weigh about the same now, I used to weigh less, and I want to lose weight again but not for him, for myself because he loves me the way that I am no matter what the weight is. And by the way la_goofy my husbands does love me and he desires me too believe me he proves it constantly, because even though we weigh about the same the man can't seem to keep his hands off of me.

  12. We were just talking about that!! I am 10 Lbs. More than him and he still says Im beautiful (even though I dont feel it) haha~

    Im glad Im not the only one! :) Thanks for posting!!!

    BTW not only does my husband still want me he wants to be having s*x with me all the time ...

    He knows Im HUGE because Im pregnant and Im the mother of his child so he finds that s**y! :)

  13. Nope. My husband is a big burly bear of a man. Hes only 5'11 but hes about 200 pounds of muscle after working on drill rigs the last 12 years.  

  14. no

  15. before my son i didnt but i do now.  

  16. LOL since Im 32.3days?weeks pregnant- of course I do.

    TO heck with weight.

    If its true love the guy will not care if yur 200lbs more than him.

    My hubby loves my curves.

    And Im proud of them :)

    me and hubby! :)

  17. That is what they say, that they love you... In reality they do not desire you.

  18. No, but I could very easily. He is a small guy. Nothing wrong with being bigger than your man, especially if he still thinks you are s**y!!

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