
Do you well rely on brazilian ethanol?

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Brazil would can produce as much ethanol as the equivalent of all us oil production.

Are there political problems by your opinion?...




  1. Actually, ethanol in Brazil is made from sugarcane, which does not grow well on the poor soil of the Amazon forest. Most of the sugarcane come from Sao Paulo state, which is located on the southeast from Brazil. The forest is threatened by the farmers who clean the forest to raise cattle.

  2. Can you please rephrase the question, I don't understand

  3. Cutting down the Amazon to grow sugar cane is a bad idea.

  4. Yes there are problems with casting our fate to Brazil in regards to energy production. We could easily be trading a dependence on OPEC for a dependence on Brazil.

    We need to be energy independent again. We can do this by creating algae farms that are located next to factories and power plants that produce large quantities of CO2. By scrubbing the CO2 and then bubbling it through the algae seeded water we can produce vast quantities of algae that you can watch grow. The carbon dioxide rich water is fertile grounds for the algae which can be grown continuously all year. Not only does it provide bio-mass but also oxygen, and it removes the green house gas Carbon Dioxide from the atmosphere.

    Sound like a win/win? It is. When you combine that with new advances in bacteria that can make various fuels out of the bio mass and we have a real opportunity to rid ourselves from our oil dependence.

  5. brazilian ethanol is made from soy which is no problem its just the brazilian govt will start to cut down rainforest to make fields to grow the soy and trust me there govt will do that if there is money to be made from the ethanol this is bad for everyone. ethanol is a like a crutch is like when you have to get addicts to stop using drugs we have to slowly be weened off of gas we just dont need to get addicted to ethanol addiction is the problem

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