
Do you wipe the seat at a public toilet, when the person before you missed?

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Do you wipe the seat at a public toilet, when the person before you missed?




  1. No, I just go into a different stall.

  2. Yes, and I think it's incredibly rude of women who straddle the seat to pee and end up peeing all over the seat and then just leave it for the next person.

  3. i use  a different stall.

  4. Depends on how bad I have to go.  I would go to another stall if time allowed, or I would just squat rather than wipe if time didn't allow.

  5. I put t.p. on seat, wipe it with my foot, then hover while I pee.  I flush with my foot too.  public washrooms are so nasty sometimes!

  6. No I just don't sit down the whole way.  I'm afraid to touch someone elses pee even if I had a glove of toilet paper.  Who knows what kind of cooties people have.

  7. ~~~Oh yes, and with a very thick wad of toilet paper. Then two seat covers. You know, urine is very sterile, but it's just the thought, so overboard I go!~~

  8. No. I just stand up because yoga has strengthened my thigh muscles! And I hit the bowl - not the seat!

  9. F NO!  I'd pee standing.

  10. If it just a small amount then, yes, I'd wipe. But if it was a bladder full then I was use a different stall.

  11. i just use a diff one

  12. Yeh! Even if they didn't miss.

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