
Do you wish America would just stay out of war and foreign intervention?

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Do you wish America would just stay out of war and foreign intervention?




  1. Yes

  2. I wish terrorists would just behave and there would be no need!

  3. I wish there were no wars and everyone would be friends more like family you know because i'm christian and care for everyone no matter who they are or where they come from.

                 I want peace

                                        J J

  4. Yes. If & in a perfect world there would be no terrorist & we could just take care of our own country.

  5. Do you want to wait until they are landing on our beaches?

  6. should we wait for the incoming missles or their troops landing on our beaches.  we have seen what happens when we stay out of the war and dont intervene. a little something most people refer to as world war one and two.  

  7. I really do not want to be a slave or have a dictator. I am glad the USA is on this planet otherwise it will be a sad place indeed!

  8. Big ******* yes.

    Earth Needs Oil's hahaha excellent.

  9. Hay spider-man.   So we invaded Iraq just before they landed on our beaches?

    The only thing Iraqi on our beaches came from oil spills.

  10. Yes.. Why are we the police of the word??

  11. Not necessarily so but I wish that America didn't have such an "American Way" to do things.

    I mean, there was no mass distruction weapons, there was NONE and everyone knew, so why shoot first then ask questions? To learn that 10 years later you can be as vulnerable as the next weakest nation?

    What good did it all serve? 600 billions less it's time to go home now, all those young dead soldiers and for what?

    There's at least 2 generations of American haters now, where before the war there wasn't as much.

    But all young nations go through these kind of errors, time's up for the USA for a while. Hope nobody is going to go for the USA when they are weak now as that'd be the 3rd big one.

  12. no because everything affects us. like we could have the war in the u.s. that would be worse  

  13. Yes, we need to take care of ourselves before we can go off trying fix everybody else's problems

  14. America has tried that once before it was called isolationism, it did not work. When we tried to stay out, Japan bombed us. So, we can cannot sit idly by, while other countries grow and flourish. Then they will become a treat to us if its not kept under control.

  15. No, I think that doing nothing would have a much larger impact.

    You see, you only know HALF of what is REALLY going on out there. The government (for our security) does not allow things to be found out bu the general public.

    They are really doing what is best for us, and I say more power to them!

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