
Do you wish Fast Food Restaurants like Taco Bell and Mc Donald's would Deliver?

by  |  earlier

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I feel like some Taco Bell but I'm to lazy to get in my car and drive there




  1. Would be kinda cool, i guess, if they could deliver hot & fresh.

    But i'm afraid if they started that i'd become a bloated whale surrounded by discarded taco bell sacks.

  2. Yes LOL

  3. It's already lazy enough that fast food is americas choice.

    Everyone is just going to keep getting fatter.

  4. Forget it, it isn't economically feasible.

  5. Sometimes I do, but I'm with the help these places usually have, it would probably be cold by the time it got to your house.

  6. Yes! I wish they would!!!

  7. ALL THE TIME!!!!

  8. Yes, it would be great if they did!  I wouldn't have to cook so much.

  9. Yes i do

  10. If they had good food, than maybe yeah.

  11. No, because I already waste enough money on junk food... I'm not going to pay a delivery charge for it too!

  12. fo sho

  13. Yes YES I DO !!!

  14. Actually, some McDonalds in NYC do deliver...

  15. sometimes it just depends on how im feeling (if u no what i mean) but every thing is so expenseve these days why waste the money?

  16. NO NO NO!! That food is chemically designed to be good once. Once it cools the chemicals that give it flavor are gone. It's not called junk food for nothing. The fuel cost wouldn't allow it anyway.

  17. haha taco bell delivery would be amazing. You should look into that!! I bet they'd make mad money doing that.

  18. Heck yeah!

    ~Just Keepin it reall!

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