
Do you I do...that people didn't come on here for medical advice?

by  |  earlier

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People will be badly advised and/or uneccessarily worried




  1. In a lot of instances, I think the answers confirm what the person already knows but needs to hear from other people.  Like when someone writes in with dire symptoms and all the answers are "Go to the ER" or "Go to the doc immediately."  There are also people who are surprisingly ignorant about the way their body works and need simple explanations about what is going on and whether it is important or not.  There are some who are so afraid of what their symptoms may mean that they need a calming answer to help them get over the fear.  I will rarely give a diagnosis, although sometimes I will list several possibilities.  But more than half the time, I suggest seeing a professional to be sure.  I think these questions serve a real purpose, although the "Am I pregnant?" questions can get a little repetitive!

  2. Well, maybe you are right. But if you have a problem that's worrying you a little bit, then perhaps someone who has had similar problems can maybe put your mind at ease.

    It's the same ect with financial advice is it not? Someone can advise you badly on money matters on YA, you don't have to take the advice literally.

  3. guess they could be doing it whilst they are waiting for nhs direct to answer the phone or call them back?

    and to get an appointment with your doc???  i mean how long does that take?

    'sorry, we're fully booked , please phone again tomorrow at 8;30'

    lol tomorrow.....................

    'ring ring ring ring ring ring lol,, every one's trying to get through and by the time they pick up....... they're fully booked again!

    and i guess asking medical advice, in the medical section is all good....?

    and i guess if enough people come to the same conclusion it might help a little?

    and the chances of an under paid over worked tired exhausted doc getting it right at the end of the day is probably as good as a Q&A resolution anyway lol

    do see your point though..... off to doc's now to see about a pain lol   (NOT!)

  4. Yes I do.  I think you are quite right in what you say.  I do answer these questions if I have first hand experience but nevertheless advise them to see their G.P.  I would never ask a medical question though.

  5. It is true what you say about getting bad advice and becoming worried but people need reassurance and on a sunday night when there are no GPs open they might just want or need someone to talk to and know what they are going through

  6. I wish people would only bother answering when they new what they were talking about

  7. i hink its good if people can gove you a fair idea of what may be wrong, or share stories.  

  8. No I do not wish that and neither is your assumption correct that people will get bad advise.  Sometimes people give very good advice based on experience.  It is for the questioner to use common sense when deciding which advise to use and which to ignore.

  9. It is up to them really. There are many health professionals who frequent this site and provide some sound advice.

    You ask a health question and you probably will get bad advice but you might well get good advice too. I expect several people have found these pages very useful.

    If you wish people didn't ask for health advice the answer is simple, don't bother reading and/or responding to those questions, simply ignore them!!

  10. This is where you should use thumbs down! If you see something wrong or detrimental use the thumbs down so the asker knows that they need to do further research.

  11. I always just tell people what I think but tell them to consult their physician as well.

  12. in some respects, it's quite nice to know that someone else had suffered the same medical conditions as you and you can exchange symptoms, etc.

    but I agree when you see kids saying 'you have cancer' and the like, it would scare anyone.

    a lot of kids are afraid or embarrassed to talk to their parents or a doctor and they are looking for support and advice. i don't think there are that many doctors on yahoo answers, do you? (although many claim to be!)


  13. I have did it once here (asked for advice on health) and found it didn't really help.

    I mostly always advise those people to go see a qualified health practitioner and not to take people's advice here- however well-meaning - it isn't always correct.


  14. Why? Its a matter of personal choice. Askers have the option of taking the advice if they wish. You could get the same advice from your next door neighbour, your granny or the bloke at the newsagents. It wouldn't make it any less badly advised.  Sometimes people have really good home remedies which are cheap or free and some people who may not normally visit their GP, might do just that as a result of getting advice from a Yahoo member. Some of us are highly trained proffesionals, giving advice for free and not just in the health section either.  

  15. I think most people asking for medical advice are seeking an opinion, and the best direction to go in, as opposed to a diagnosis.

    I'm an ex medical rep, so I have a very good general knowledge of most medical matters, I never try to diagnose, that's a face to face job for a doctor, but I know that I have helped people with advice on the next step to take, and usually back my advice up with relevant links.

  16. I understand what you're saying but can see it from two sides.

    I tend to look on the pregnancy section and there are alot of questions asking whether their symptoms sound like they could indicate pregnancy. Sometimes, it is obvious but other times their symptoms will be cramps and a headache which no, doesn't indicate pregnancy as the main and only cause but people tell them it does. Also people ask whether they can still have their periods when they are pregnant, and of course it can happen but its very rare but people say yes and have people (especially teens) unnecessarily worrying or build peoples hopes up.

    But on the other hand, some people have embarrassing symptoms and just want a second opinion where they're completely anonymous and can recieve advice and hear others' stories of what they have gone through.

  17. Yes. And on top of that you read about their disgusting ailments with mucus and blood pouring out of their body.

  18. Many can't afford it. Many merely want some advice. Some need input so they can make an appropriate decision. I think that's okay. It's important for people to have input- as long as people are getting good information and are able to filter out the bad.

    Wanting prescription drugs is another matter.

  19. I think it can be comforting to find out other people have had similar experiences.  I also hope no-one takes as gospel anything they read on here.

    You need observation of your patient and to know his/her circumstanses, past medical history among other rhings to come to the correct diagnosis.

    I have seen Best Answer given where a much more accurate answer was ignored.

    It must help to type out worries, symptoms and get a (usually) warm response, especially when lonely, it's nightime, surgeries are closed etc

    People aren't stupid.

  20. well unless your qualified to help people with health problems then you shouldnt really answer questions involving health care.

    or Advise them to see a local doctor or see someone thats qualified to help you other than that you shouldnt really answer medical questions

  21. no because it is only advice! the whole point of this site! it can ease worrie in my view and its not like people will perform surgery because it was advised on here, give people credit for a bit of common sense!

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