
Do you wish illegals would stop coming into the US?

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Please answer the question instead of making up your own...I want to see what a sampling of people here really feel on the illegal alien issue.




  1. Yes!! I know I don't want them here and I also know I did not always feel this way.I once thought, compassion, mercy, they're bringing an old influence and Gods will to this country.

    Now I feel I am being changed to degree because of their presence. Many really don't give a rats rump about me, its about them and their community and their ways.  Many who are given jobs here can't tell you whose face is on a quarter, a dollar bill or a 5, 10, 20, 50, 100 etc. I for one should not have to speak Spanish fluently in order to instruct them on how to do their jobs. I often need a translator.

    Do you ever call a place that answers with a message that is Hello, then Spanish options first, English SECOND to prompt your call in the manner of language you wish to place your order?; (musicians friend)  Notice how packaging for common items found in stores now is beginning to come in TWO languages?

    OK,lets say that to an extent our economy relies upon cheap foreign labor w/o outsourcing, but importing. It has since the Chinese have built the railroads. Importation of migrant workers can be controlled and it should be. Temp work visas are given for reason. If we need the workers that badly in the fields and farms, plenty of temp visa to go around but this needs to be strictly policed and enforced.

    They are temporary for a reason.

    This does not allow you full access to citizenship.

    The problem starts with Mexico, and it seems politicians in Mexico fully support illegals as well as legalization to the US. A legal way is fine,go through the motions and wait your turn... but to the Mexican Gov't either way will do. It is a very uncontrolled problem and it begins with them.

    Those conditions bring crime; starting in Mexico, to here with the employers giving them jobs, to the false ID network and the drugs that also support this. On MY FIRST DAY of employment, one of them had the audacity to ask if I liked doing drugs, several times, several kinds. Ahh, hello, I had to pass a DRUG TEST to come to work here!

    The crime runs both ways because the employer who hires them is also given carte blanche to exploit them any way they see fit to make the profitability--they are also criminal and they know the consequences and what they can get away with and will also push it.  These employers are being careless, irresponsible and self serving.

    Which leads these workers to flock to illegal friendly companies. Why? because it IS good here and they want to keep that which they feel entitled to because they are allowed to have a job IF they work hard, (they learn how to slack after awhile) Some may earn even benefits for themselves and family after many years but that is not enough, they will want more in some way who wouldn't if its there for the taking?

    In the mean time, there's always the free health care that can be found in the network of the USA.

    Personally, I work with many of them.  Most are well intentioned, but also feel they entitled to more or the same as Americans. Not all pay taxes, I've asked.


    I know two (brothers) who fathered illegitimate children with legal Americans. One stayed with his underaged g/f (23 vs 17) and the other skipped back to Mexico when the heat came on.  I also have been asked very personal questions by some of the other illegals at work, about pay, (even told to my face  the company pays me to much money even though the exact amount never was stated) sexual orientation (asked in a harassing manner if I'm g*y-more than once) There have been instances of harassment against female employees also.

    Should I be offended? they don't care. Imagine if there was a lawsuit against the company for harassment though.

    Would the employer back them at that point?

    Would those accused even show up in court?

    I don't look like Richard Simmons, or hang at the Y.   I'm a typical guy with a steady longtime g/f. Maybe that was the problem since I flatly turned down dates attemped to be setup so that there would be hopes the women possibly attaching themselves to or possibly getting pregnant by a legal so they can get their papers.

    Seems they are a little overly preoccpied with their own homophobia or are just being rude..they often liked to brag about having two espousa/nubias, one here and one in Mexico.

    They like their banda music at extremely loud volumes have a limited preference for most American music or culture.

    I was always being asked for favors, or even to pay for pizza, or get us food, (you make the big bucks) etc.-ie; harassed at my workplace because I was their supervisor and they went out of their way to express in making it known that they felt they could do the job w/o me or better than me...both of which were not true. They often banded together so they could be difficult to control and thought they could get away with murder(to the point of threats) and insolence. Quite a few lost thier jobs.

    Illegals DO NOT have the same rights or entitlements as Americans, but they love to think they can and they will get away with as much as they are allowed to get away with, as they will push for it.

    I was instructed to train them and teach them as much I could by HR which is fine but that didn't last when a TB manager was hired to take our spots and was placed in upper management over three depts which employ these people.

    Now he occasionally coerces them by asking for a bottle if they go back to mexico and want their jobs back when they enter back in.   A joke it is not.  

    Rumors have it there is alot more to that as well and the management has become very hardline with even the 'legal' production workers. Those who can learn and catch on to the necessary skills to perform the job are allowed to work, the rest are cut.

    This is just a sample of what I've had to go through. I have been given opportunity because of their presence, but I have also been subjected to major BS because they are here because they don't care if they cause the loss of my job or are exploited by employers who know they can get away with this-it beats Mexico.  

    The solution is to fine the h**l out of the employers who knowingly 'don't know and never would have guessed'

    Stiff fines followed by possible jail time.  Tighten restrictions on comapnies using the legal loopholes like confidentiality agreements that employers hide behind. Temp agencies are also major violators and use illegals like a revolving door that brings in cash. Control the influx and the needed workers for the jobs they want to work here on,...there will be plenty of them to do it regardless of how unpleasant.

    I never thought I would feel this way or be subject to this in America and at my job but unfortunately, it has happened, and it needs to change.

    I know I cannot go into Canada for citizenship in the same manner as they come here, nor would I want to. I would do it right and legally.

    I have to have a visa and a job within 6 months as well as proof I will not be a burden on the system by APPLYING for entry into their country. Even then, I have to wait up to 1.5 years for acceptance IF I qualify and they are accepting.

    If you are here illegally, you are entitled to NOTHING that America has to offer except a kick in the @ss back across the border for it is an insult to every person who came here legally and applied for citizenship after 7 years. Even IF you are capable of supporting yourself.

    Those who came here legitimately, worked hard and learned the language and made something of themselves, never ever burdening the system were as an asset to this country.

    People like my Father who came from Germany after WW2 through Ellis Island had to be sponsored by someone within the country and have a place to live.  Yes, I have picked my fair share of strawberries and fruits when I was younger, as did he. He barely spoke any english and mowed lawns for money. But he did work hard, saved and studied and made a life for himself and our family all from a 8th grade education. He retired from IBM as a computer prgrammer/analyst for 35 years and never relied upon the public system for anything.

  2. No, I think that everybody should have a right to experience the American dream.  I think many Americans don't realize how lucky they are to have rights!  Even in countries like Germany, you would be surprised as what you CAN'T achieve because of insurmountable road blocks.  So, if an illegal wants to take a chance coming into this country, I don't think that anybody should stop them.

  3. No! because this country really needs them, and that's why they created Amnesty. They contribute to the US by being consumer (billions spent every year), and they DO pay taxes, billions to be exact. They help businesses make big profits by working harder and faster for lower wages then Citizens, and that also brings the savings into your pocket because it allows them to keep their prices low. Americans did the hard labor jobs way back then, but now a days they have easier alternatives, and that's were the illegals come in. They are willing to work ANY job that gets them  a pay check. If you think our economy is bad right now, if all the illegals were deported, we would really see a crash.

    The Economy Benefits from Illegal Immigrants

    Illegal immigrants pay taxes, too

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