
Do you wish there was a level playing field in the media & the lib media was FAIR & BALANCED like FOXNEWS is?

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  1. yes, but the liberal media decided to sell themselves to leftist billionaires. telling the truth is bad for their business.

  2. So are you advocating the fairness doctrine?

  3. i wish we would all grow up. We will get a President who reflects our amount of peace, our maturity, our intelligence, our integrity, our willingness to help one another, our clarity....or our dumbness, etc.

    We can't blame them. We are the power & control in our life...the person who spoke at my (new thought) church this morning told a story about going to a restroom at an old restuarant. The ladies room had a line so she went to the men's room. While in there, there was a power failure. She was getting panicky. It was an old place & the men's room was near the ladies room.  The door would not open for her to get out. She said it was pitch black in there. She stopped pushing on the door & went within & pulled the door. Yes, the door open in not out. Her less was to look within. We are going to get a mirror of ourselves. Come on people lets get on the high road. We deserve the best. With the best we can do the best. Others deserve it too.






    Fox News... Fair and balanced... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

    Is that why they edited the transcripts from the O'Reilly Factor when O'Reilly proved he is a blubbering v****a who doesn't know anything about history (The Americans did not kill Germans in Malmedy).

  5. Actually, FOX News is not at all fair and balanced...I think the closest organization that provides fair, balanced  coverage is National Public Radio (NPR) and the Public Broadcasting Service (PBS).

    They aren't afraid to tick off anyone--they go after EVERYONE with the tough questions that folks want answered....I am a news junkie and tend to tune into all the channels in rotation, so I feel rather confident in my answer.

    There are definitely biases toward one party or the other that exist in all media...each reporter is supposed to impartial, but that rarely happens, and even when it does, by the time the editor or news director or producer gets through with the material, it has become biased.

  6. If FOX news is fair a balanced we are all in a lot of trouble. FOX news's agenda is like huge bold letters, and I don't now a level headed thinker Conservative or Liberal that would listen to that clap trap.

    Media bias for Liberals is a lie, and anyone that believes it should open their eyes and look around.

    For you Limbaugh listeners, read a book, assuming that any of you can read.

  7. Hahahahahahahahahahaha, Faux news "FAIR & BALANCED" now that was funny!

  8. The liberals can't handle the truth.

  9. it does balance the right has fox  and dominates the radio. the left does have msnbc. CNN was pro clinton now appears more neutral. Some papers like the ny times go left left other like the ny post go right. Same with magaizines and web sites

    Fox pretendends to be unbiasded at least people like Limbaugh and Hannity admit they are rightists as Msnbc's Oberman does not hide his bias. Fox has a token liberial in Allan Colmes and Msnbc has their conservative in Buchannon

  10. Fox News is not fair and balanced. That is a lie. Fox news is the only News system that is not fair and balanced. The only unlevel playing field is Fox News.

  11. Are you joking? Fox is absolutely the MOST biased. They include, (and I use the word include very loosely) persons supposedly from the "other side".They pretend to include persons with an alternate point of view, who themselves are not far enough left that they have even hit center, nor are they dynamic in conveying their points of view. This is a very obvious ploy to fool the not so bright general public into believing they are giving equal voice to both sides. Think Hannity and Combs (sp?). Anyway, who do you think looks better and articulates his point better? Hannity the knight in shining armour, or Combs who more closely resembles Howdy Doody? I rest my case.

  12. Liberal Fascism.

    FOXNEWS is the only source of real news. The liberal media is In the Tank for Hussein.

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