
Do you wish there was some sort of worldwide sports competition?

by  |  earlier

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Something where all the countries of the world could send their athletes to compete in various sports. We could award the top three places some sort of ribbon or medal. It would be a lot of work to put it on so maybe only do it every 4 years or so. And to be fair we should rotate where it is held so different countries have a chance to host it.




  1. Hey, great idea!  Maybe we could even light some sort of candle or something to burn during whole event!  

    And instead of showing the actual competitions, the TV stations could broadcast hours of commercials and human interest stories showing the athletes at home eating dinner!

  2. Yeah! A global tradition of unity and togetherness where we can celebrate that we are many nations but also one world! Where we can forget our political differences and issues and just enjoy our best athletes competing in sports together! If only we could have something like that, I'd call it the Olympiads. :D  

  3. That would be sooo cool!

    And it would be someplace awesome every time, like Athens and Beijing !

    and there could be different sections for Summer and Winter!

    Somebody should suggest that to someone ;)

  4. i would call the patent office as soon as possible, it is a great idea.-blurey

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