
Do you wish to have a lot of money?Why?

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Do you wish to have a lot of money?Why?




  1. I know money wouldn't make me happy, but I would at least be able to live miserably in comfort!!

  2. Yes, I'll take it. Money makes the world go around.  

  3. So I can pay rent and utilities without being completely broke after the 1st of the month and having to wait 2 weeks until I get paid again. Ramen noodles only taste good if you don't have to eat it everyday.

  4. Money is paper

    Money doesn't mean anything after I die

    If I had alot of money for some reason, I'd give it away.

    If I was a billionaire, I'd buy a 3rd world country and give it back to the people.

    s***w money. Worthless.

  5. So I can have more to share with family, friends and enemies (grin).

  6. Only if I have a  home and car.

    That all I ever need and when I died then I can't take money with me.

    If I only have the money left when I died , I sure hope someone out there who really need it for a good reason.

  7. Yes. But I wouldn't have a lot for long. There are so many organizations that I want to donate to. There are organizations that I think need to be started. I want my children to go to a great college so they can get the education they need to be productive and hopefully caring and giving citizens.  

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