
Do you wish you could do this.?

by  |  earlier

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don't blink you'll miss it.

I can't. I'm a lady.!!




  1. more than youll ever know

  2. Haha! that reminds me of when my eldest son was born and i had to change his nappy for the first time, up shot the little hosepipe and squirted me all over my face! The nurses were hysterical with laughter!

  3. omigod, funky munky - is that your husband??

  4. Eeewww!! Goodness. Thankfully no and wouldn't even if I could.


  5. Ugh! No. Thank God being female I couldn't in any case.  I do prefer my liquids poured and not squirted !!!

  6. no

    i only ever drink  out of a mug

  7. Ha ha > Yuk that was disgusting > no I cant do that, wouldnt want to even if I could

  8. I could do it but why would I want to drink my own p**s?

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