
Do you wish you could excuse yourself from human kind at times?

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we just ruin everything one or two people care but not enough do




  1. You know it everyday I wish I was not a human.  I do not want anything in return for turning in my human card.  Humans are the worst thing on earth and for all time.  WORD!

  2. Yep that's me. I work from home and see others as little as I can.

    I traveled the world, speak a bunch of languages, had many relationships with unkind women and now I had enough of everyone and am a self exiled "monk".. or a schizoid!

    Thanks to the guy above I have learned that I am a schizoid, will have to research the term, it'll be developed into the name of my future blog.

  3. Yes, and I do.

    I have chosen to isolate and work from home so I don't have to deal with people every day.

    check out "schizoid" and you'll learn more about people who choose not to be part of the herd.

    (schizoid is NOT the same as schizophrenic - schizophrenia is split from reality, schizoid means split from others)

  4. i guess so. i mean, i always try to do the best, act accordingly, do the right things. and it does seem that I care way more than others do when it comes to certain issues. So at times, i do wish i could excuse myself from the ignorant people but not to excuse myself from caring too much about something or someone. I am who I am and I won't change.. people around me need to change.


  5. I feel like that sometimes... after every terrible relationship I've had, after realizing that genocide is a common occurrence in third world countries, or seeing the abuse we put children and animals through on a daily basis; yes I feel like excusing myself.  As I  can't be anything but human, I try to be the best human that I can be. All I can even remotely control is myself.  

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