
Do you wish you could go back?

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just want to know peoples story's of when they have wanted to go back in time in your lives and do something differently.

i wish i could have carried on swimming.




  1. Everyday. And I'm feeling the pain hard today...

  2. Yeaa,

    but we LEARN from our mistakes ;]

  3. All in all, leaving the womb seems to have been a bad idea!

  4. i used to wish i could go back, but now i wish i could fastforward to get everything over with

  5. I wish I wouldv'e told the first guy I liked that I actually liked him instead of being shy and waiting for 11 years for no avail like. However I have eventually moved on but often wonder what he would have sed (probs shot me down) but guess I'll never know


  6. Yes sometimes i feel i shouldnt have gotten married so young in life at 21 didnt really get to experience more in life. I dont regret having my kids cause they are great but i think if i could go back and change something it would be not to have gotten married so young and enjoyed life abit more. :)

  7. I wish i could go back in time and get a better education, or go back two weeks and get last weeks lottery numbers.

  8. I try not to look back and say "should of, could of, would of." I believe everything happens for a reason.

    Here's a great quote that I have on my fridge...

    "Twenty years from now you wil be more dissapointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from teh safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover."

  9. I wish I could go back about two years and lived my life to its fullest and not turned into the unhappy, selfish, pain in the *** that I am today. A part of me thinks if I hadn't started being so down on myself that I wouldn't be so unhappy. If I could go back, you can't even imagine all the stuff I would take back and I'm only 14.  

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