
Do you wish you were famous?

by  |  earlier

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I actually don't . I really love my anonymity and I would hate being followed or reported on...

how do you feel about it? Would you enjoy being famous? Be honest....




  1. I would just like to be rich. I don't think i could ever get used to the affection you get from people with fame.

  2. i would like to be famous and people dying to meet me and long as i still got to keep my private life and not have those annoying paparazzi's at my door 24/7!!! what if i decide to go skinny dipping some day!!! =P ahahhaha

  3. I wish I were famous. I really love entertaining people

  4. Me neither.

  5. No, I wouldn't like cameras following me around all day and I wouldn't like hearing rumors about myself.

    Sometimes I do wish I was famous. But if I actually really seriously wanted to be I'd do something about it.


  6. I live a life of solitude and I have no friends. I sit in the corner of my room all day on Yahoo Answers. I'm pasty and my room is very dark.

  7. who doesn't?

    but i also love my life just the way it is.

  8. I do and i don't

    it would be fun to be in the spotlight, but it would get to overwelming

    and you couldnt go anywhere without screaming or fans or being stalked by papratzi

    it'd be fun to meet other celebrities too,

    but it would invade with your whole life!

  9. I would just like to be rich and know other celebrities.

    I don't think I would like the whole paparazzi stalking thing and people wanting to know every detail of my private life

  10. i think i would... the thing i wouldn't like is being followed around like you said, but to have so much money to buy my parents a new house and new cars, to treat myself, to treat my brothers and sister, have money for my future childrens' college education... i would love to have it all.

  11. I think I would just want the money but I wouldn't want to be famous because everything that comes with it.

    The stalkers, the Paps, etc.  

  12. sometimes

  13. Being famous has dowsides because your liffe is always in the tabloids and over the news. You have no privacy. But I like my life the way it is.

  14. I think I would enjoy being famous. Not for being rich or for inventing something though. I would want to be famous for being myself or curing cancer or something. I think I could deal being famous better than most stars would. Although, how would I know? I guess it would have it's faults.


  15. honestly,

    yes, but only to show people who doubted me that i made it!

    however the idea of being followed around is awfull, i would hate not being able to scratch my bum etc....(not that i do that anyway ;)

    THe upside of fame would be being able to raise awareness on issues, for me it would be domestic violence.

    In nz where i live it is disturbing how many, women, children and men are victims of domestic abuse.  It iis something that could be highlighted if someone with fame but their name to a good cause.

    and maybe getting paid to wear amazing clothes would be a bonus as well


  16. well sometimes,i do wish i was.

    then other times,when i see what they do to them,and people posing as them,and being followed,and stalked,and ahving to sign autographes and take pictures every place you go,and getting your picture taken every secound you leave the house,until you get back.cant ahve one secound to yourself,and bring your family into that,i think,no way.but then again i kinda get that way in school,not saying i like it,my friends thought it would be funny,so they take pictures of me and follow me asking for my autograph,it was a joke,but still i wouldnt like to none of that up there.

    it would be cool,to have people look up to you though,being able to let my mom take a brake and my grandma,and me taking care of them.i  thnik i would be able to hanlde it,i just think it would be annoying,sometimes.

    i think the con's over right the pros.

    so no thanks on being famous.

  17. sometimes yes and sometimes no

  18. I Would like to be rich but not really famous..

  19. I wish I was.

  20. it would get annoying being famous but sometimes i wish i could be =)

  21. no coz the paparazzi or however u spell it

  22. I agree it would be annoying, i like my life private and simple

  23. I would love to be famous! I dont know why but i do!!

  24. Sometimes.

  25. i would enjoy being famous, until the novilty wore off.

    i would like run of a million poparatzzi by accident :)

  26. i just like to buy all the designer stuff

  27. Only if that meant I could finally find the person i love and miss so much.

  28. i actually would like to be famous sometimes!!

  29. I wish I was rich, and money generally goes hand in hand with fame so I guess so.  I don't think I would mind being followed too much, I'm good at blocking stuff out, so it wouldn't be too big of a deal.

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