
Do you wonder how many people calling for oil company nationalization own mutual funds with oil stocks?

by  |  earlier

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I'm getting a good laugh out of the people whining for nationalization. I would bet at least some of them have a nice part of their net worth tied up in mutual funds that own oil company stocks.

And that's what no one focuses on in that ridiculous debate. Behind the evil "Big Oil" is a bunch of individuals. When "windfall profits" are taxed, the money comes out of the pockets of individuals who own oil company stocks. Demonize "Big Oil" all you want while you flush your own money down the toilet.




  1. Actually you're the only one I see obsessing over oil company nationalization.  So, no I don't wonder!

  2. first of all 8.1% profit is not a real lot. do you know the gov makes about the same amount from the oil co's and they do nothing.

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